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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Greetings everyone. I am new to the MSH forums and wanted to introduce myself. I did not see a place to post an introduction so if there is one and I just missed it, my apologies!

I live in Houston, TX and have been following hockey since I was a kid in California and started rooting for this new team in town called the Sharks. I always wanted to play hockey but the lack of rinks or youth inline leagues nearby made that pretty hard. I moved to Houston a couple of years ago and became an Aeros fan. Currently, I officiate high school football and basketball but I've found that I really miss playing a team sport. I figure I'd like to learn to skate and try my hand at ice hockey. That is what brings me here. I hope to get a lot out of these forums and being a quality member in return. It's kind of nice being a newbie again.


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Greetings everyone. I am new to the MSH forums and wanted to introduce myself. I did not see a place to post an introduction so if there is one and I just missed it, my apologies!

I live in Houston, TX and have been following hockey since I was a kid in California and started rooting for this new team in town called the Sharks. I always wanted to play hockey but the lack of rinks or youth inline leagues nearby made that pretty hard. I moved to Houston a couple of years ago and became an Aeros fan. Currently, I officiate high school football and basketball but I've found that I really miss playing a team sport. I figure I'd like to learn to skate and try my hand at ice hockey. That is what brings me here. I hope to get a lot out of these forums and being a quality member in return. It's kind of nice being a newbie again.


Welcome aboard! It's never too late to start. I grew up in freaking Northern Ontario Canada and never learned to play so you're excused for not learning while living in California (my first knowledge that California existed was the Golden Seals). I learned to skate at 43 and am still learning. This board is a great place to pick up information for sure. I have learned that the reason my shot sucks is because I don't have enough pro-stock sticks and my skating is weak because I haven't bought new skates in three years :) Seriously, there is a good bunch of people on this board who won't make you feel like a tool for asking basic questions about the game and equipment. No snobs here-ask away.

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Welcome welcome!

Dont worry about asking questions, this board has a lot of guys who will give you good advice. Try searching for the info first though, most likely it would have already been covered.

Also, good luck trying NOT to buy gear. I started out with only 2 shafts, and now have more gear in the garage than the LHS (although its a small LHS).

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I'm not sure what area of Houston you live in, but my kids rink in the Friendswood area has lots of options for beginning adult skaters/hockey players. I've seen plenty of adults take a few weeks of the adult skating lessons and then move on to playing in the novice league (D-level). I noticed tonight that the rink is going to be doing some beginner adult hockey clinics... there is info on their website: http://www.spacecityice.com/

I imagine some of the other rinks around town have similar programs (Aerodrome, Sugarland Ice, Memorial City) but I don't know much about them. Let me know if you need any more info. Just be aware that as soon as you start playing, you will become addicted in no time... especially if you hang around this board.

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Thanks for the welcome. I now feel kind of silly worrying that I am too old to start learning at 27. :blush:

I have been searching the forums on a variety of topics and the content has not disappointed. I doubt I will have many questions to post but I am just starting to shop gear now, so we'll see.

Go Blue, nice to meet a local! I live in Richmond, so I have been looking at the classes and novice league offered by Sugar Land Ice Center. That looks to be pretty promising.

A couple of questions for you:

  • Are there any rinks hosting public pick up games?
  • Do we have any LHSs around? I tried some Google searches and couldn't find much. If so, which would you recommmend, especially for getting skates?

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I started playing inline in college because there was no local ice rink & just picked up ice last year at 32 (after a long break from inline & even though the closest ice is about an hour & half drive from where I live/work). As others have said, its never too late. Good luck!

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There are really only two places for new equipment... the pro shops at the Aerodrome Rink (Willowbrook) and at the Sugarland rink. They'll only have middle of the road options... you have to go up to Dallas if you want to look at higher end gear or want any kind of selection.

As for skates, both of the above listed pro shops have some. My recommendation though would be Skate Texas on Hammerly off the beltway: http://www.skatetexas.com/ They carry a bunch of Graf, and also some Rbk and CCM (no big B)... and are the only place that seem to have a clue about how to fit a pair of skates.

I'm not sure about the other rinks, but Space City usually offers a few stick and puck sessions each week. They've also been having some adult drop-ins lately, but as soon as fall rolls around, those will mostly disappear. Just click on the calendar at the Space City Ice website.

Definitely go sign up for a learn-to-skate class at Sugarland... then start playing in the novice league. I think you'll be surprised at how many people pick up the sport (especially here in Houston) later in life. Best of luck!

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Thanks for the welcome. I now feel kind of silly worrying that I am too old to start learning at 27. :blush:

I started skating last year at 28 yrs old. Takes a bit more time to get used to skating when your old timers like us =) .... My advice is invest in decent pants and skates. Skates because everyone needs a good fitting skate. Pants because, well lets face it, beginners are gonna fall and its gonna hurt your pride more than it hurts your bum. However, good pants will make the falls less painful on the body. When I first started playing , I got some good advice. "As a beginner , if your not falling your probably not trying hard enough."

The key is have fun and dont get discouraged. I have been playing a year and I am still not great but I love being on the ice and trying to get better!

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been playing since i was 12, converted to ice at 21, so its never too late two years ago i was giving lessons to a 51 year old and his 43 year old wife so no its never too late to learn unless you're on a wheelchair in wich then you can do sled hockey which is awesome to watch. Welcome to the game, and welcome to the board!

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I'm learning now at 36. Stick and puck helps a lot, and D league starts next month for me. Let me know how it goes, Welpe. Have you tried a drop-in yet? They seem more intimidating than a bottom level rec league.

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Thanks for the welcome. I now feel kind of silly worrying that I am too old to start learning at 27. :blush:

I played with a guy who was about your age when he started. He is one of the people I really liked playing with because of his enthusiasim and willingness to learn. He went to public skates, stick & pucks and did everything he could to get better. He always asked questions on what he should have done or if what he did was right or why someone did something. I played with him for about 1 1/2 years and it was a joy to watch him get better each game. He gave 100% each shift and was a team player, he did everything you want from a team mate. You are never to old to start.

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I started playing inline in college because there was no local ice rink & just picked up ice last year at 32 (after a long break from inline & even though the closest ice is about an hour & half drive from where I live/work). As others have said, its never too late. Good luck!

One of the guys on my team started playing in his early 40s and is still playing at 68.

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