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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What do you guys do with all of your gloves?

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Just looking over some pics of some of your collections and was wondering what the hell you do with 20 plus pairs of gloves? Play with them? Display them? Put them in a rotation?

I'm still trying to figure out why I'm so drawn to this single piece of equipment that I need to have eight pairs (for now at least... :wink: )

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I use mine but it's getting to the point where I almost feel bad about the infrequency that some get used. I've never counted but if I had to guess I'd say that I'm probably up to about 15 pair right now. I think for my next rec league season I'm going to make it a point to wear a different pair of gloves every week

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It's like sneakerheads... some simply collect and never wear all of them... some rotate and wear every pair. I understand the glove obsession. They are one of the only pieces of equipment that aren't covered up by the uniform... and unlike skates, it's easy to go from one pair to another.

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Last year at one point i had like 22, cut it down to 16, down to 12 and i think i'm down to like 10 and save for three pairs i'm indifferent about keeping and dont use will be moved for sure, I rotate like 4 pairs all time, love those main ones, the rest either are lent out or begin the move away syndrome

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Well...I`m not as far gone as you guys are(yet). But I only keep 2 gloves in rotation out of 7 or so pairs. I used to keep a bait pair for trades or a quick sale, but haven`t found another one to take that spot. Or if I feel that I never will use it again, I play around and tinker with the cuff or foams.

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