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JR Boucicaut

Clarett's comments in ESPN Mag

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My first thought was; no shit, we all knew that. It's the same accusations that people have made for the last 20 years about college football programs. They will be investigated, maybe lose bowl money and give up a couple of scholarships. Nothing will happen to change the way the sport is run. It's not in the NCAA's best interest in keeping good athletes/bad students out of school.

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This reminds me of what hapened in Colorado as well....like that was the only school.

Not excusing the rapes which are being investigated, but the use of sex to entice....well that's been such a long standing joke about college football I do not see how they could just single out one school. Must have been someone in Colorado that really po'd the press....

Anyone remember the name of that film staring Danny DeVito where he plays a civilian teacher for the troops who were.... umm academically challenged? Remember the scene where he as talking to a young black athlete who was renowned for his high school and college football abilities before he got hurt...and I quote..."they must have been tossing hookers through your bedroom window" ...referring to how sought after this kid was in high school by the major colleges...

That film is at least 10 years old now...

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Nothing will happen. This is nothing new around here. Plus NCAA can not take away the championship, because it is from the BCS not NCAA. It's funny that the people that back him up all have been kicked of the team. One for having crack.

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Anyone remember the name of that film staring Danny DeVito where he plays a civilian teacher for the troops who were.... umm academically challenged?

Renaissance Man 

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I wonder if OSU gets sanctioned and the 2002 Nat'l Championship is awarded to the U...

Screw the 'U' - there are more thugs on that team than the rest of the country combined. OSU won that game...illegal athletes and all. OSU outplayed Miami in every facet of the game.

My favorite thing about that game was how going in everyone was guessing Miami would win like 45-3. Har har....and McGahee's leg was pretty cool too

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Har har....and McGahee's leg was pretty cool too

It saddens me to see that you enjoyed seeing someone's knee blown out. I now know what kind of person I am dealing with here. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

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I guess there were some real eye-openers that Clarett gave away that ESPN cut from the interview before press time...

- Apparently there are Kegger's on campus

- Many frat boys/sorority girls drive Jeeps

- Many people drink that are underage!

- Some students don't even study

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Har har....and McGahee's leg was pretty cool too

It saddens me to see that you enjoyed seeing someone's knee blown out. I now know what kind of person I am dealing with here. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Oh come on Mr. Sensitive....everyone knew the kid would be fine and he is. There was obvious sarcasim in my comment.

Miami fans are still bitter about their upset loss....that is what I am dealing with here. :P

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Let's forget about Clarett for a minute. What about the other guys? Same perks. Non-transferable credits? Damn, is underwater basket-weaving in the course catalogue?

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Understandable. College football is the NFL's farm system.

Honestly though, I see the NCAA conducting an investigation. Look at what happened to Michigan - they had those seasons erased from the record books.

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Almost all schools have some sort of non-transferable credits. Usually they're courses that are either split apart, or joined together. ie) one school's algebra class is the equivalent of another's 101 and 102 or something similar.

just an fyi

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The thing is the NCAA has done a investigation the first time around, and found nothing. They checked on the car stuff and all that. I not saying that they are 100% clean. There is a lot of money around here and a lot of people that love OSU football.

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I understand all of you guys went to OSU, but damn, power volleyball? A football course? Getting 20 credits to play football?

lol. I'm an OSU graduate, but I can't stand football. If anything I came away hating OSU football more than I did before I was a student, fighting to get back to your house on a Saturday is enough to drive anyone nuts. I couldn't stand the way the university stops the world when there was a game. Not to say I blamed the players, there were a couple that I worked with that I really respected (George comes to mind).

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Don't laugh I friend of mine has a lot of credit's in hockey and Ice skating. And yes I am still going to OSU and will have a degree from there soon. (hopefully). And my wife has a degree from there.

<---- Ted Ginn Jr. The next great one :D

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Let's forget about Clarett for a minute.  What about the other guys?  Same perks. Non-transferable credits?  Damn, is underwater basket-weaving in the course catalogue?

Like Geki said....all schools have classes like these....and if you are comparing OSU to Miami....I can almost guarantee you OSU is ranked higher in nearly every academic area than Miami...from business to engineering to law and medicine.

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Perhaps you should read up on the University of Miami.

UM is a private school, not a public school. Tuition is almost in the $30k range. It is not an easy school to get into. It has a very good law school and a world-renowned medical program at Jackson Memorial Hospital.

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2020 had a special investigation a few years ago showing the top recruits visits to schools.  And in some, hot girls are pretty much assigned to bring these guys to parties, show them a good time, and let out if needed at the end of the night.

A teacher I had sophomore year told me that when she was in college at OSU (Oregon State University) she was recruited by some people from the athletic department to be a part of the "welcoming committee" for athletic prospects. She is hot, so I believe it. She denies being a part of it, that I don't believe.

This type of shit happens at Oregon all the time. You would think that the new $4million+ locker room would be enough, but I constantly see Ducks driving nice new cars. What are you going to do.

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I've seen academic benefits for athletes ever since high school (obviously small onmes back then) all the way to now in university, and I go to a Canadian university, which dont have sports scholarships.

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