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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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X60 Skate Pro Stock versus Retail

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This is one of my first posts on this site although I have read and learned a lot of information here. I did multiple searches but could not find an answer to my question. I just bought an X60 skate that is a pro stock version instead of the retail. I thought it would just be a little stiffer and more durable. However, I found that the liner is not the same as the dual tone hydramax liner that is in the retail version. It almost feels like a cloth, but it has a tackiness to it. Can anybody shed any light on what the difference is between the pro stock liner and the retail liner? I'm curious to know why there is the difference since it seems like all the pro stock skates I have seen on ebay seem to have the same cloth like material. Is the pro stock version better or do more pros prefer the cloth feel to the hydramax feel? Any insight would be appreciated.



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Thats not necessarily a prostock liner. When your buying a prostock skate it just means its custom for a specific player so the liner is whatever that particular player prefered.

That's what I figured. However, I did find it interesting that most of the pro stock skates I found on ebay had the same cloth liner. I wonder if most pros just prefer the cloth liner to the Hydramax liner. It could also be that the ones on ebay just happen to have the cloth liner. The strange thing is, the liner in my skate does not feel like any of the other liners in the retail skates. I guess the closest liner would be the X40 skates but the pro stock is definitely rougher and has a slightly tackier feel. Could this be a specialty liner that pros have requested?

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It's pretty simple.. they get whatever liner they want. THAT pro preferred THAT specific liner.. case closed.

This is the answer.

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It's pretty simple.. they get whatever liner they want. THAT pro preferred THAT specific liner.. case closed.

while it's an accurate statement that pros get what they want with the customs skates it doesn't address the original question about what type of liner this is.

I bet JR can easily shed some light on it, but when I was going through the customs process with T1s I was told that there's such an option as Pro Liner which looks quite similar to retail T1 liner, just a bit rougher. that's what I ended up getting & it's been pretty good in terms of mosture wickening & fast trying, plus it's a bit more durable then the retail T1 liner. not as durable as clarino however so it still wore down in 6 months

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Im taking a wild guess here but i bet its the hydrophoic grip lining. I have the same lining in my custom Bauer skates and ordered this type because I feel it gave a softer feel to the inside of the boot. As far as you thinking the pro stock boots should be stiffer then a stock boot, that is totally up to the pro player who ordered the skates. They have a choice of roughly 5-6 different stiffness ratings, various tongues, different ankle padding, extra stitching, larger toe caps, the choices are endless!!!!

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The liner you have is Gripliner, which were a retail liner on the Vapor 8 and Vapor 10. It is a tacky cloth liner. With custom skates you have the stock liners for each respective retail skate, as well as Gripliner, and tan clarino.

There are only 4 stiffnesses you can choose. 2 is standard retail, 3 and 4 are stiffer. There is no 5 or 6.

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quick question here; current trend seems to be with stiff boots..

what does a stiff boot bring to the table? how is it better/worse than a softer boot.

As for pro, I was told that 75% of pro skates are retail stiffness. Back in the day, when boots were mainly leather, you got them stiffer so that they didn't break down as easily. With the materials used today, that does not happen as often.

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also a quick question: does any company offer tendon-guards that are meant to be taped to the leg/shinpads? Or are the tendon-guards just like on retail skates?

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