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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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specifically nexus 1000 elbows and shins

It looks odd that the 'Bauer' wordmark is upside down (unlike other brands). When you see it on tv you know that it says 'Bauer' but as said before, it's upside down. and they (the elbow pads) look huge.

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More Mako:

liking the white, just dont like the word easton on top of it though, i feel like it sort of takes away from the simplicity of the whitout. Also only bad thing about it is its too white(haha) makes white tape look yellowish.

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Ribeiro was pulling insane dangles and passes last night. The Mako seems to be working for him lol. Excellent name/color combo by the way for the stick.

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Ribeiro was pulling insane dangles and passes last night. The Mako seems to be working for him lol. Excellent name/color combo by the way for the stick.

Looking at the pics, he used his old SE16 about half the game. Very skilled player regardless.

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I talked to the Easton rep. He said Chara uses 160 flex sticks. Also they put the stick inbetween chairs and had people stand on it to flex

I know someone that actually put one of his sticks on a force gauge and it wasn't a 160. Straight from Chara to the gauge and back to Chara, so it was one of his actual sticks.

Ribeiro was pulling insane dangles and passes last night. The Mako seems to be working for him lol. Excellent name/color combo by the way for the stick.

He was using the Mission Hex six or seven years ago, white is nothing new for him.

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I know there was a pic posted of it a couple pages back, but Zetterberg is wearing the Warrior helmet in game tonight.

Yeah, IMO it doesn't look bad in white. I'd grab one if it fits good on my pumpkin head. lol

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Matt Cooke in a Dynasty tonight. Strange, since he's never used Warrior twigs before.


James Neal also started using a S19 Pure, and sprayed the bottom half black. :wacko:

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Nothing new. Did that for Keith Tkachuk 11 years ago when I was at TPS.

I'm sure they'd break if he stood on them now....

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I thought this was pretty neat; Handzus paying tribute to Pavol Demitra by having his number on his cuff.

I think Handzus needs bigger socks. LOL, does he have chicken legs?

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