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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Not sure anyone else has made mention of it, but Jag's has made 3 changes in gloves (or at least cuffs) so far this year. Not sure if they are the same glove with different cuffs or if he at some point had his old Koho's re-died and decided to use them now after going through two different similarly styled combat gloves.




Doesn't really look like his old Koho gloves now that I think about it, but it is strange. The order I linked is the order in which he's played each glove too.

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  On 2/29/2012 at 4:46 PM, Joshison said:

I think Rolstons gloves were blacked out last night where the writing would be, maybe same type of issue? Just curious.


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Those look like RSes (RSi? RS'?), he blacked out his gloves until his new bruins colored gloves arrive. Playing with Islanders colored gloves probably wouldn't fly in Boston.

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  On 2/29/2012 at 5:38 PM, Chappie said:

Not sure anyone else has made mention of it, but Jag's has made 3 changes in gloves (or at least cuffs) so far this year. Not sure if they are the same glove with different cuffs or if he at some point had his old Koho's re-died and decided to use them now after going through two different similarly styled combat gloves.




Doesn't really look like his old Koho gloves now that I think about it, but it is strange. The order I linked is the order in which he's played each glove too.

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The first gloves were used in preseason only, then he had to black out the Combat as you see in the second picture, because Combat didn't pay the fee for their gloves to be shown. Just stick fees. Third glove is a Combat glove, minus the logo.

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  On 2/29/2012 at 7:21 PM, EBondo said:

The first gloves were used in preseason only, then he had to black out the Combat as you see in the second picture, because Combat didn't pay the fee for their gloves to be shown. Just stick fees. Third glove is a Combat glove, minus the logo.

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I figured the third one was the same type of glove, but why no logo? Sort of weird of him to go back to a blank cuff after having Combat on it all year.

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Because Combat didn't pay the fee for gloves, and on the blacked out ones, you can still clearly read the logo. Someone from the NHL probably mentioned that the blacking out wasn't good enough.

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Probably the league frowned on him wearing the Combat logo, even blacked out. There was some sort of league mandate awhile back about blacking out logos on gear (or creating your own logos, if you're Brett Hull).

A good example of someone doing something similar to Jags is Zenon Konopka in Ottawa who wears Harrow gloves (not NHL sponsorship approved) minus any identifiable logos.

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  On 2/29/2012 at 8:55 PM, Viking said:

Because Combat didn't pay the fee for gloves, and on the blacked out ones, you can still clearly read the logo. Someone from the NHL probably mentioned that the blacking out wasn't good enough.

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Makes sense. I assumed combat was approved since a couple of different players are now wearing their equipment or using their sticks. Surprised they aren't forcing players using their sticks to block the logo as well.

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  On 3/1/2012 at 3:01 AM, noodle3872 said:

Combat paid for sticks to be used in the NHL but not other equipment.

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Makes sense, at least they still got it in with jags for a bit so I'm sure that couldn't have hurt lol.

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  On 2/29/2012 at 4:09 PM, twolinepass said:

Not really a gear sitting per say but Daniel Winnik and T.J. Galiardi both had the wrong colorway on their gloves for the Sharks last night. The usual colors are teal text with orange outlines and they both had just orange text



Here is Justin Braun with bauer gloves in the right colorway


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anyone notice simmons using those holders with the trigger to pop in/out blades?

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