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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Airing Out Equipment

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I'm having trouble getting my eqiup dry before a game, is there anything you guys do to help it out. What does your guys setup for trying off look like, pictures would help for an idea.

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I leave mine on my deck as long as its not raining.

I'm sure it'd' dry in -10C weather. Your lucky it don't get that cold, lol!

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Get a Hockey Equipment tree so you can hang up your gear to dry. Always hang up your gear when you get home. Don't leave it in your bag overnight.

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I remember I was in a tourney last year and had a game at 8am and then another game at 1 or 2pm. I got home and split the equipment up on the floor and put a fan next to it. I used two different pairs of gloves that day so I didn't bother to dry those.

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I just open my bag up...

That's a perfect way to knock a fly off a piece of sh*t. Man, guys who only open up their bag one my team are the worst to skate behind. My equip. smells bad enough when I take it all out, I can't imagine just opening it.

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I wonder if a De-humidifier would help. I either had a tree, or layed it out in the backroom of my basement. For in-line i'd just lay it out in the sun, but obviously that isn't an issue.

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I hang a lot of my equipment up on a pegboard. I lay my skates on their sides on a shelf with the footbeds removed.

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Locker. I hang it all up. There is a smell, but it doesn't reek like a couple of the guys I play with. wish I had a place to lay it out to dry. I live in a small apartment, so it's either lay it out in the living room or the kitchen...ick.

I had 2 skates in one day a couple weeks ago, and I had the hair dryer out between skaes, just so I wouldnt' have to put on wet skates/gloves & shin pads..I hate that. Shoulder pads and pants I can tolerate.

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I have an extra 2nd bedroom in my apartment, so I keep all my stuff in there (with the door closed!). I keep everything on 2 plastic utility shelving units (total of 9 shelves). Everything is under an air vent plus I keep a fan blowing on the stuff. If I'm playing two games a day with a few hours in between, I'll bring my stuff home and the majority of it gets dry.

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I lay it all out on the floor with a medium sized fan blowing on it. Actually I kind of stack it in front of the fan so everything gets some air, my gear is hardly stinky compared to some guys who just do the leave it in the bag routine.

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That's what I use. Hard to see but it's a white aluminum tree for gear. Works pretty well. I usually leave my gloves in my bag because when they dry fully they start getting crusty after a while.

That's the same one I use. It works really well and allows good airflow to all my gear. I usually hang my gear up at about 2 am and it's almost dry when I leave for work in the morning.

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I do my best to air my gear out, but my flat at uni's a bit small, so it sometimes has to be aired in the car! :D I tend to wash it all every few months.

There was one guy on my team last year who didn't even open his bag for a month! We played a tournament in December, then went home for Christmas. First practice after that, he opened his bag, and nearly hurled.... :lol:

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I do my best to air my gear out, but my flat at uni's a bit small, so it sometimes has to be aired in the car! :D I tend to wash it all every few months.

There was one guy on my team last year who didn't even open his bag for a month! We played a tournament in December, then went home for Christmas. First practice after that, he opened his bag, and nearly hurled.... :lol:

That's disgusting, I can only imagine the malodourous stench coming from that bag...must've been green air coming out of the opening... :unsure:

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One of my friends has white Jofa protective gear and it is literally greenish black from mold. Disfuckinggusting.

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RIGHT after a game, I spray all my gear with Fabreeze anti-bacterial stuff and hang it on a metal wire laundry rack. Seems to dry out quite quickly and so far still no smell. That said, all of my gear is relatively new. I'm taking extra care this go around because all of my previous gear, much of which was circa 1988, smelled so bad it could've been used in a Fear Factor stunt.

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One of my friends has white Jofa protective gear and it is literally greenish black from mold. Disfuckinggusting.

That is also extremely unhealthy to have mold all over your gear. If you get any kind of cut or scrape then it could lead to a staph infection similar to what sidelined Thornton a couple of times in the last couple seasons. If a staph infection goes unchecked it could lead to serious consequences.

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One of my friends has white Jofa protective gear and it is literally greenish black from mold. Disfuckinggusting.

That is also extremely unhealthy to have mold all over your gear. If you get any kind of cut or scrape then it could lead to a staph infection similar to what sidelined Thornton a couple of times in the last couple seasons. If a staph infection goes unchecked it could lead to serious consequences.

Wasn't there a guy on leafs that almost lost a hand because of an staph infection from his skate eye cutting his hand or something?

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