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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Canadian Dollar

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Man the canadian dollar is going up pretty fast. i was reading the paper the other day. (first time in awhile) and they say the dollar is going to surpass the american dollar. right now its at like 82. correct me if im wrong. but its suppose to go up to 1.05. pretty soon canadians will be going south to go shopping to buy stuff thats alot cheaper.

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I can't believe that was 11 years ago that they last won the series. It's already a deal to shop in the states...shame about CCRAs tariffs and shit tho...fucking bastards, I'd have myself a ton of new shit by now. I haven't heard that it's supposed to surpass the U.S. dollar, but boy if and when it does...but I don't think so...18 cents is a big mountain to climb in any short term timeframe....everything must go just right....

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Plus the US is weakening the dollar, so who knows...I may need to dig up some old Canadian change. Off topic but my mum went ahead and bought a zillion Iraqi dinar in the thought that it'll go up in value when it becomes internationally recognised. Yes, I'm an Iraqi millionaire.

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This is really bad for me because I used to get great deals in Canada on equipment and now its cheaper to buy home. Also living right on the border we get wayyyy too many many Canadians coming here shoping. Yesterday at the mall id say at least 60% cars were from Canada and thats scary because they are by far the WORST drivers. (I can say that my G/F is from ST. Catherines)

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This is really bad for me because I used to get great deals in Canada on equipment and now its cheaper to buy home. Also living right on the border we get wayyyy too many many Canadians coming here shoping. Yesterday at the mall id say at least 60% cars were from Canada and thats scary because they are by far the WORST drivers. (I can say that my G/F is from ST. Catherines)

gee, you might actually have to shop at stores near home and support your local economy... what a terrible thing. as someone who makes a living off supporting local shopping of hockey products... and lives in a border town... i might actually like it if the canadians come over here and shop in my lhs for a change.

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This is really bad for me because I used to get great deals in Canada on equipment and now its cheaper to buy home. Also living right on the border we get wayyyy too many many Canadians coming here shoping. Yesterday at the mall id say at least 60% cars were from Canada and thats scary because they are by far the WORST drivers. (I can say that my G/F is from ST. Catherines)

Just like we get waaaay to many Americans coming here to shop.

And are you kidding me?! Drivers from Canada are bad?! All I ever see are American jerks cutting people off at 160 kmh and giving every other driver the finger just because their license plate says "New York" on it. Granted, they're all from one state, but still...

Yeahyeah, unfair generalization right? Just like Canadians = bad drivers, as well as Americans = Assholes.

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At least we let people go ahead of us for the most part. I usually let people in and majority let me in, But in Canada they dont even let their own people cut in front. I told my g/f the only thing worse than a Canadian driver is a female Canadian driver. But relax its all in fun I dont mean to start WWlll over this topic.

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This is really bad for me because I used to get great deals in Canada on equipment and now its cheaper to buy home. Also living right on the border we get wayyyy too many many Canadians coming here shoping. Yesterday at the mall id say at least 60% cars were from Canada and thats scary because they are by far the WORST drivers. (I can say that my G/F is from ST. Catherines)

Just like we get waaaay to many Americans coming here to shop.

And are you kidding me?! Drivers from Canada are bad?! All I ever see are American jerks cutting people off at 160 kmh and giving every other driver the finger just because their license plate says "New York" on it. Granted, they're all from one state, but still...

Yeahyeah, unfair generalization right? Just like Canadians = bad drivers, as well as Americans = Assholes.

What are these funky KM you talk about? Give me a break. Stay in the right lane, and drive 10 MPH. Well pass you by and say F*** YOU OLD MAN. Hmmmm

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At least we let people go ahead of us for the most part. I usually let people in and majority let me in, But in Canada they dont even let their own people cut in front. I told my g/f the only thing worse than a Canadian driver is a female Canadian driver. But relax its all in fun I dont mean to start WWlll over this topic.

I know you didn't mean to start shit. That would be Vapor's job. I suppose my experience is opposite yours then, since most American drivers I've come across have been the ones to cut off people and give fingers left right and centre.

Oh and Vapor, if the birthdate in your profile is right, then you've been driving for what? 1 year (is it true they let little shits drive at age 16 over there?! Must be different state to state. Preposterous.)?

Learn to drive, stand up for yourself AND argue like a real man, and then talk to me.

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This is mostly the American dollar dropping, and not so much the Canadian dollar rising. I believe the canadian dollar was at .85 last I checked, but that was a while ago.

The driving is just differen't. Eman you do have to factor in the fact she is a female driver. I hated driving in the states....like Honestly, what the hell is a Michigan turn and what dumbass thought that up?

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just out of curiosity if this ends up happening let's say early december what do you guys think will happen with sticks and such because i could go over to the U.S. and get synergy skates for like 450$ can. Or a stealth or Vapor XXX for $200. Man this would be crazy....they would have to get new prices on everything

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Oh and Vapor, if the birthdate in your profile is right, then you've been driving for what? 1 year (is it true they let little shits drive at age 16 over there?! Must be different state to state. Preposterous.)?

Learn to drive, stand up for yourself AND argue like a real man, and then talk to me.

You haven't seen bad drivers till you've been to jersey. Florida's probably bad because of all the old people, and New York City is just...New York City.

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Miami is nuts. Whenever I go back down there I can't help but to drive crazy - trying to avoid everyone else.

NYC is a bitch to drive in. Narrow lanes and crazy drivers. Honestly, if you can drive in NYC, you can drive anywhere.

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At least we let people go ahead of us for the most part. I usually let people in and majority let me in, But in Canada they dont even let their own people cut in front. I told my g/f the only thing worse than a Canadian driver is a female Canadian driver. But relax its all in fun I dont mean to start WWlll over this topic.

I know you didn't mean to start shit. That would be Vapor's job. I suppose my experience is opposite yours then, since most American drivers I've come across have been the ones to cut off people and give fingers left right and centre.

Oh and Vapor, if the birthdate in your profile is right, then you've been driving for what? 1 year (is it true they let little shits drive at age 16 over there?! Must be different state to state. Preposterous.)?

Learn to drive, stand up for yourself AND argue like a real man, and then talk to me.

I wasnt being serious? Anyways, I have been driving for like 6 months. Driving is very easy to me, I drive all over, up and down the turnpike, in the city (NYC for all you non jersyans) and remember, its always about making the other man break.

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It's like 3000/1 or something like that. Rumour is that when they make it international it'll go to like 200/1. I could theoretically cash that out but I'll just hold onto it and open up an account there.

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woah...from 3000:1 to 2000:1? that's nuts. I think I'm investin...

ok...unless you've been to beijing you ain't seen shit driving. There's lines on the ground, but no-one follows them. Taxi drivers are the worst...being in a taxi's like riding a frickin roller coaster.

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LOL i drove in Canada. Chadd's drunk ass couldn't move the car from the curb to the parking garage so my drunk ass volunteered.

I was blind-ass drunk that night. At least you were walking in something resembling a straight line.

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