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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Compare Wax Laces

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Refs normally use the all white laces, standard hockey laces typically have the "ticking" in black, blue etc. All white is kind of a specialty item and there is likely minimal demand at your LHS, hence they don't order many/any.

Is there a reason why refs wear the white laces and standard have the ticking?

howies hockey sells them.


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Is there a reason why refs wear the white laces and standard have the ticking?

Tradition, like just about everything else when it comes to refs.

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So far I have used A&R waxed, Howie's and Elite Pro Oval.

Personally, I found the A&R's too wide and a bit too waxy. I changed them after a handful of skates.

The Howie's were perfect. Not too waxy. Laced up very easily, but were destroyed after about a dozen skates.

I've been using the Elite Pro Ovals for about a month (upon recommendation of this thread), and while they hold the boot well...saying they are too thick and waxy is simply an understatement. They aren't too difficult to lace up, but they're extremely tough to get undone.


What is the difference between the Elite PRO-Z1 and S700 laces? I can see from descriptions that the X7 laces are wider, but have noticed some reviews in this thread that there is a slightly thinner Elite lace. Which ones would these be?

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Just threw a pair of the elite ovals on last night, was previously using Graf waxed. I agree, the wax on the ovals is really thick, but they held their tightness extremely well. I'll live with them being harder to untie if they hold up that well going forward.

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I've been using the Elite Pro Ovals for about a month (upon recommendation of this thread), and while they hold the boot well...saying they are too thick and waxy is simply an understatement. They aren't too difficult to lace up, but they're extremely tough to get undone.

Give them 3-5 games and they will be perfect.

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