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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best puck feeling stick

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I'd love to hear more about the Base stuff but they're kind of a sore topic around here. They seem decent enough for the price.

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Why is everyone so hell bent on getting pro stock sticks?

If you're looking for puck feel, the One95 is a good option. However, with pro stocks, you won't even know if you're getting a true One95 and if so, how do you know that player didn't prefer and therefore have his sticks made with a different blade? Not to mention even if the stick is a One95 with the normal blade, the pattern, lie, flex, and height may be all wrong for you.

People get pro stock sticks because there high end versus buying a mid end stick which is not going to be as good for $30 more...

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People buy pro stock because its half the price of a retail and who cares about a 30 day warranty. I'll take a 110$ stick that retails for 230$ all day. Most guys use a normal curve and if you find a pro your size you can ensure a decent flex

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compared to other sticks in that price range? or compared to an X:60?

compared to my reebok ai5 and easton se6

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Why is everyone so hell bent on getting pro stock sticks?

If you're looking for puck feel, the One95 is a good option. However, with pro stocks, you won't even know if you're getting a true One95 and if so, how do you know that player didn't prefer and therefore have his sticks made with a different blade? Not to mention even if the stick is a One95 with the normal blade, the pattern, lie, flex, and height may be all wrong for you.

I can see where you're coming from there. I have a healthy mix of retail and pro stock sticks, and every Pro Stock stick I've gotten for maybe 30% of the retail stick price and I can get a higher flex doing so. $229 for a Total One Shaft+Blade combo where I got my Pro Stock Shaft+Blade for under $100.

You can argue that retail sticks have a warranty, but I have never come across a warranty issue in 30 days. It was much easier to replace 2-3 Pro Stocks by the time you bought just 1 Retail.

I have a retail and Pro Stock One95, and the Pro Stock feels at least 15% lighter, shoot different although both are same flex.

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Did something happen with Base here? Don't want to stir the pot but I agree with the comment made earlier. Good puck feel and pretty light stick overall.

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Yes every topic with Base gets shut down fairly quick. Apparently there were some issues with fake positive reviews.

I have run into the Base rep locally several times and tried their sticks a few times at demos. They seem like they're worth the $150 or so. Not as light and balanced as the high end stuff but a good kick on the shots I tried and the sticks that have been around a while look like they're holding up very well. Two guys on my team use them so I can report back next summer and let you know how they hold up. One guy is tall and strong, the other is small and...not strong.

I keep thinking about ordering a stick from them but there's always some kind of clearance stick I can get for less. This week I picked up a new Dynasty for $100 so I'm set for the year unless my X60 breaks.

Backing up to the AK27 combo, I just can't recommend it at all. The balance is atrocious. And I use an intermediate stick cut 2" below my chin in skates WITH a short wood plug filled with lead sinkers.

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That is funny, because I think it is one of the better balanced options out there. I have been told that a lot by friends as well. Total one blade AK27 shaft.

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can anyone comment on the one80 durability? i'm tired of breaking x60's (and my bank)

I know you posted this back in september, but if you are still wondering I bought one on October 10th and broke it October 31st. I used it 3 times on the ice playing pick up and snapped it at the kick point on a one timer second shot into the 4th time i used it just sent it back to bauer yesterday with hopes for a replacement.

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I used a One80 for a season and a half, no durability issues at all. I got a deal on a totalone and thats the only reason I switched.

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I currently use a BASE and while the feel is good, it's no One95. One95 was the best thing next to wood imo.

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One95 was the best thing next to wood imo.

Best composite blade since everyone went away from RTM and went to prepreg. Though I have to say that my widow without the hard clear coat is very nice as well.

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I'd love to hear more about the Base stuff but they're kind of a sore topic around here. They seem decent enough for the price.

Did something happen with Base here? Don't want to stir the pot but I agree with the comment made earlier. Good puck feel and pretty light stick overall.

I currently use a BASE and while the feel is good, it's no One95. One95 was the best thing next to wood imo.

I like/liked how my Base stick shoots, and it's very light and balanced for a $150 stick, real durable too, but I definitely would not be mentioning it in a "best puck feel" topic. I thought the puck feel was reasonably poor. Standard pingy puck feel that a lot of stick have, didn't have that nice, soft, wood-like puck feel that I've had from sticks like the one95 OPS and the Warrior Dynasty blade (that I'm actually currently using in my Base, chopped off the blade cause I didn't like the pattern and turned it into a nice tapered shaft).

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Is the total one blade noticeably not as good as the one95?

I can not compare the two blades. I have used the one95 ops but not the blade. But to me there is a big difference between the feel of the totalone blade in the ops and the replacement totalone blade. The replacement blade in a 2011 ak27 shaft feels closer to a one95 to me than the ops totalone. Take it for what it is worth and it probably isn't worth much. HAHA!

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I can't remember if I posted here or not but my Warrior DD blades felt about as good as my old One95 one piece sticks. I have only used the Dynasty for half a game so can't comment on the new blade design. But the DD blades started to fall apart quickly while the One95's were absolute tanks.

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I can't remember if I posted here or not but my Warrior DD blades felt about as good as my old One95 one piece sticks. I have only used the Dynasty for half a game so can't comment on the new blade design. But the DD blades started to fall apart quickly while the One95's were absolute tanks.

AK blades have great feel in my opinion as well!

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