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Unofficial MSH Cell Phone

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I dont care what anybody says, young people dont need cell phones, if your in college it's different because your away from your familys and friends more. Highschool it's not needed, I dont care what you say. Popularity contest.

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Too bad your wrong. I have a cell phone and no one even knows about it except the friends I hang out with and my parents. You know how much easier it is to get a hold of your friends when you all drive and you just want to find eachother and hit up a party or something? You can either be out having fun, then get a call and go chill with someone else or if you dont have a cell phone, you can sit at home and get a phone call. But isnt it easier just to go out with your friends and if someoen wants to do something with you, they phone you? What if your driving home and your car breaks down? what if your at a bush party and you've had some drinks and you need to call your parents for a ride home? What if you out snowboarding and our friend hurts himself? What if your out with your friends and your parents need to tell you something? What if your bored and you want to play black jack on your phone?

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What if your driving home and your car breaks down? what if your at a bush party and you've had some drinks and you need to call your parents for a ride home? What if you out snowboarding and our friend hurts himself? What if your out with your friends and your parents need to tell you something? What if your bored and you want to play black jack on your phone?

what if God was one of us.....jk, yeah we have one cell phone for our whole family and it works out well, when one persno goes away we take it, my brother has his license so he takes it out when he's on the road and so forth, they come in handy!

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I still don't see how cell phone=popularity.

No, people who buy cell phones to be popular, just need that extra thing to get the extra atterntion to be a bit cooler.

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It sounds dumb, but you almost need one at my HS. No one ever answers their home phones ever and it's not really a popularity contest, everyone has one and i'm not using that as an excuse literaly 95% of the school has thier own cell phone.

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A lot of peoples parents buy them for their kids so they know where they are at also? I dont think it has much to do with popularity...?

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I like the idea of my daughter being able to call me in an emergency, but I do see some kids that just have to have the latest, flashiest, cell phone out there. Who has the best cell phone can be similar to a popularity contest.

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but I do see some kids that just have to have the latest, flashiest, cell phone out there. Who has the best cell phone can be similar to a popularity contest.

Thats me. I dont really do it for the reason to be popular though. I get them because i like to mod them. Change cases, leds, etc. I want them to be different than what everyone else in my school has.

I like my phones to be one nice, but if it scratches or even breaks, i dont get pissed off. Afterall, it just needs to make calls.

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I'm 19, I have had a cell for about 3 years. I started off paying for it myself, but the overcharge of my minutes on a plan is the minimum I could pay per minute on a Pay-as-you-go. The 'rents offered to pay, and I accepted. I use it mainly for tabs, meeting up with people, Directions, pager-like messages, and its goods great for hockey because were out of town so much. I'm in college now and I find myself dicking around with the phone more than I was in HS. I goto school in my hometown, so its a little differen't, but it does help me. Also with free evenings and weekends it helps for late night calls (my service sucks right now though :()

Mine is a Motorolla T720, and I haven't done anything, I'm thinking about getting a faceplate, but I figure its kind've a waste right now. Can I do anything like downloads with this puppy? I know ringtones & games, but I don't want to pay for anything right now.

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Crosskore, what about before cell's were out?

thats actually a good point. I never thought of it that way before. While we're at it, dont you think cars are useless? I mean... what did people do before there were cars? I rather walk everywhere myself, with no cell phone for communication either. Mite as well get rid of my tv, those are over rated. What did people do before tv's were out? I think I mite even get rid of my computer right after I hit "add reply".

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I've had enough arguing over the internet. Besides, no matter what I say some e-thug will be on my ass anyways. Each to their own.

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Not to further the argument, but, it makes no sense to say phones are a pissing contest. They are a means of entertainment, convience and communication

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It dosent even matter because my Parents wanted me to get one so they know were I am and I share my plan with my mom so it equals up to 15 dollers a month for my phone.

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are you kidding me? cell phones = popularity? haha good one. that would have been true like 10 years ago. when only the right people had them, and everyone else wishes they had one. but today in highschool like every kid has them. im in highschool, i have a cell phone. but i do pay for it myself.

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I decided I would be really ghetto and take pictures of pictures on my phone :D hahaha

not good pic, but heres my ex :huh:


one of my dogs








Some pics I tried to take at a Wings game, turned out really bad lol



My Old Car, Pontiac Bonneville


Ben Wallace Big Boy, lol


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My Eclipse!






Some Cup my Roller team won



St Louis


The Arch


Me being goofy at some store (yes, I'm wearing oven mitts and holding a pumpkin placemat in front of my face)


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