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TotalOne & Reflex Tongue

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Hey guys, I'm getting custom skates and I'm just wondering about how effective the reflex tongue is.

One of the alternative tongues I'm looking at is an old model that has a channel built in to accomodate the tibia; this allows for a closer fit of the tongue, which is hugely sensible I think.

I've heard many mixed messages on the reflex tongue - in theory it sounds okay.

Do any TO skaters find the inserts uneccessary and end up not using them?

Or is it the kind of thing that once you use them, they feel essential and now you wouldn't go without them?



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I went with the old felt Supreme tongue on my One 95's, but decided to go with the stock Reflex tongue on my Total One's. While I do feel a difference between the the various inserts (not a gimmick), I prefer the old school tongues and am considering going back to them over the Reflex tongue. I feel that I can't tie the skate as tight as I'd like because of the insert. It really comes down to what works best for you.

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It's been covered in other threads that the Reflex tongue does, indeed work. I imagine that you'd have to at least stick with the Med insert to help prevent long-term lace bite because the tongue on its own is pretty thin.

Personally, I prefer a more traditionally-featured skate so I stuck with the One100 and switched to the Graf Ultra tongue with the thick foam instead of a plastic metatarsal guard.

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It's been covered in other threads that the Reflex tongue does, indeed work. I imagine that you'd have to at least stick with the Med insert to help prevent long-term lace bite because the tongue on its own is pretty thin.

Personally, I prefer a more traditionally-featured skate so I stuck with the One100 and switched to the Graf Ultra tongue with the thick foam instead of a plastic metatarsal guard.

Yeah, with few exceptions most people I talk to say the reflex tongue isn't a gimmick; however, people do seem divided about how much of a "plus" it is to their skating - for some it's only marginally helpful, for some it seems essential and they wouldn't go without it.

On the other hand, it may well be that the people for whom it "doesn't matter much" might only notice how much a plus it is when it's removed.

Anyway, I posted the question merely to get a larger sampling :)

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I think it's a ridiculous feature and saying it works is even more hilarious (feel different doesn't mean "working"), I definitely prefer a straight old traditional tongue.

Since when do you want some "reflex" in your tongue ?

Mojo and aarondevera well described the issues encountered with it.

I take the bet it's won't be on the 2012 supreme series. At least I hope.

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I think it's a ridiculous feature and saying it works is even more hilarious (feel different doesn't mean "working"), I definitely prefer a straight old traditional tongue.

Since when do you want some "reflex" in your tongue ?

Mojo and aarondevera well described the issues encountered with it.

I take the bet it's won't be on the 2012 supreme series. At least I hope.

You may be right about 2012; I've been wondering though: perhaps the tongue was added to counter the relative softness of the Alive composite material? If this were so, and I were to swap out the stock tongue in favor of an older tongue, would I find the skate too soft?

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I've been skating in a pair of One100 LE's, which are very similar to the Total Ones but have a traditional 52oz felt tongue (along with a few other minor differences). The One100's are ultra stiff and to my knowledge so are the TO's. I don't think the reflex tongue was added to the TO's because the boot is too soft. I don't think you would have any issues with a lack of stiffness if you were to swap out the Reflex tongue for a more traditional tongue.

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I think it's a ridiculous feature and saying it works is even more hilarious (feel different doesn't mean "working"), I definitely prefer a straight old traditional tongue.

Since when do you want some "reflex" in your tongue ?

Mojo and aarondevera well described the issues encountered with it.

I take the bet it's won't be on the 2012 supreme series. At least I hope.

I'm not sure why you would think that when the new APX's have composite in the tongue as well. It seems like Bauer is convinced that this is the way forward. My guess is that they might tweak the tongue, but still use composite in it.

I personally like the 3Flex tongues on my T1's. I can notice the difference they make. They do exactly what they are supposed to do. They give a little extra "pop back" on your stride extensions.

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I personally like the 3Flex tongues on my T1's. I can notice the difference they make. They do exactly what they are supposed to do. They give a little extra "pop back" on your stride extensions.

Thanks! How does this effect your skating though? More snappy agility? Faster off the mark? Less fatigue?

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I'm not a fan of the reflex tongues. I've always liked the supreme tongues, and will be installing those shortly. I find the reflex uncomfortable because of the inserts, and the back of the snap they attach with.

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Every TO custom skate I built went with Reflex. I like the concept, and haven't had a problem with them. The tongue is too soft without them, so either you commit fully or get another tongue.

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