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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Selection sticks

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Hi guys.

I have to chooce between these sticks:

reebok 10k Sickick II

ccm U+ pro senior

bauer supreme one 95

sherwood T90

warrior dolomite

Second you what is the best?First thing,for me,is important the lightness and strength second thing.

I love wirst shot,i'm not good in slap shot.

Thank you for the help.

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In my opinion the CCM U+ Pro and the Reebok 10K are very light but have poor durability. I would not suggest them.

The Sherwood T90 is a great value, it has good performance, but is the heaviest of the 5 options.

I would recommend either the Warrior Dolomite or the Bauer One95. They have the best combination of performance (light) and durability (strong). The Warrior Dolomite is a low-kick stick, which some people prefer for a quick release wrist shot. The One95 is a mid-kick stick, which some people prefer for slapshots. If it were me, I'd go with the Bauer One95, it is one of the best sticks made to date. It also has excellent puck feel. If you know you prefer low-kickpoint sticks though, the Dolomite is a great choice.

Hope that helps

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My favorite out of that bunch would be the One95. It's the best shooting stick for me and how I shoot.

I would recommend either the Warrior Dolomite or the Bauer One95. They have the best combination of performance (light) and durability (strong). The Warrior Dolomite is a low-kick stick, which some people prefer for a quick release wrist shot. The One95 is a mid-kick stick, which some people prefer for slapshots. If it were me, I'd go with the Bauer One95, it is one of the best sticks made to date. It also has excellent puck feel. If you know you prefer low-kickpoint sticks though, the Dolomite is a great choice.

Dolomite kick is not significantly lower than the One95. It's a normal tapered shaft and not a stick that has been stiffened to lower the kick point.

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Definitely => bauer supreme one 95 . It has everything you expect from a kick-ass stick (top class durability, puck feel, kick, balance ...). Unreal stick.

The ccm and reebok you'll break them in no time

The sherwood is a solid stick but a good step below the one95.

Which dolomite is it ? if it's a good old inno design might worth it. The rest are crap except the DD.

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I've been using the CL U+ Pro for over a year now. No breaks, chips or cracks. Love the stick and instantly had a killer 'snap' shot (which I haven't had with any other stick) once I bought it. Everyone is so hard on the CCM, but I'm gunna have to be a CCM advocate!

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I've been using the CL U+ Pro for over a year now. No breaks, chips or cracks. Love the stick and instantly had a killer 'snap' shot (which I haven't had with any other stick) once I bought it. Everyone is so hard on the CCM, but I'm gunna have to be a CCM advocate!

I agree that they get beat up more than they should, I just like the One95 stick more than just about anything that has been put out recently. The widow being the exception of course.

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thanks for your help but NOW,unfortunatly,there's another problem: i want a flex 85 but both ccm u+ pro and one 95 are 100 flex.

There are Dolomyte dragon,spyne and bandito with a 85 flex,

reebok 10k 85 flex

ccm u+ 10,u+ pro and octo light with 75 flex

sherwood t90 85 flex

Is more convenient to buy more flex (then i'll buy two bauer one 95) or change stick?75 flex is too low?i'm 150 libs and 1,74 cm

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thanks for your help but NOW,unfortunatly,there's another problem: i want a flex 85 but both ccm u+ pro and one 95 are 100 flex.

There are Dolomyte dragon,spyne and bandito with a 85 flex,

reebok 10k 85 flex

ccm u+ 10,u+ pro and octo light with 75 flex

sherwood t90 85 flex

Is more convenient to buy more flex (then i'll buy two bauer one 95) or change stick?75 flex is too low?i'm 150 libs and 1,74 cm

If you want an 85 flex, buy an 85 flex. It's really that simple.

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Of those, the Bauer one 95 would be my first choice. If you can't get that in the flex you want, I'd go with the Dolo. Not a bad second choice by any means.

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My one95 was still my favorite stick ever, loved how it flexed/loaded (I'm a mid kick guy), loved the blade feel, loved how it felt in my hands (really liked the grip, the little ridges, and the shaft shape). Broke mine pretty fast, but it was probably just bad luck, most people seem to report their one95s having great durability. If I could find righty 77 flex grip one95s in a P92 curves I'd by a bunch, but they're real tough to find now.

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One95 was the last new one piece I really liked (until I tried the APX at summerjam). In that 77 flex, 2 inches off the top, yes please. Even better if we can get our hands on one without that tactile grip on the edges.

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unfortunately there are one 95 only in 102 and 112 flex and im afraid that is not good for my wirst shot.so between rbk 10,t90,dolomite,ccm u+ 10,+ pro,octolight,what is the best?i love 10 k but many people said me that isn't durable :(

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I currently use a Bauer TO, I love it. I think it is similar to the One 95, which loads of people think was / is the best stick made by Bauer. I would buy the One 95, but it is only because I prefer it. I am not brand specific with anything, just try stuff and keep using what works for me best.

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i m in the same boat. Love wrist shots and people have told me I got a hard one for my skinny 145 pound frame i really get down low and get my hips/legs into the shot. I am 5'9 so ya im skinny. The problem i have with my one95 stick was by the time i cut it down to the right height its just too stiff and takes TOO long for a skinny guy like me to load. I have to really get all my weight on it to get the stick to bend, by the time i cut it down its close to a 90 flex. Thats why am really interested in this sherwood t90 stick as it has a 4 inch dead zone. Not sure how it works but u can cut off 4 inches without affecting the flex at all. is this stick really heavier than the total one? I play on buying a 2 piece and the weights are almost identical.

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