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buffing out a visor

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I have a couple of visors that starting to get pretty scratched up, does anyone know of a way to buff out scratches from a visor or are these things done once they get messed up?

on a side note-- how clean are the ottawa senators gloves, all black with the red cuff and white lettering, definitely my favorite gloves right now, would love to get my hands on a pair

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Headlamp polishers definitely work but it takes alot of elbow grease. Also had mixed results with using an oven and heatgun, it worked for minor scratched but if you heat the visor too much you could ruin it.

Both methods only worked on the actual visor and not the protective film coating. I used a heatgun on a concept II once and it delaminated the anti fog coating. Doh!

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Headlamp polishers definitely work but it takes alot of elbow grease. Also had mixed results with using an oven and heatgun, it worked for minor scratched but if you heat the visor too much you could ruin it.

Both methods only worked on the actual visor and not the protective film coating. I used a heatgun on a concept II once and it delaminated the anti fog coating. Doh!

I destroyed my Visor with a heat gun if that tells you anything

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I'd never put a heat gun to my visor. I'd be too worried about messing it up or compromising its strength.

How deep are the scratches on your visor? If they are pretty deep then I think you might need to get a new one, however if they aren't too deep, I have had great results using toothpaste. Just use a standard toothpaste (not one with funky stripes or crystals or anything) it gets rid of minor scratches like a charm.

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try Meguiars mirror glaze #17 plastic cleaner. It will not take the scratches out, but they are much less noticeable. It will remove scuffs from pucks. I have been using it on my oakley visor without any problems

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So gentlemen, if you see the beginnings of delamination, what can be done? Do you try to take it completely off, or is there a way to re-adhere it?

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For buffing out visors i would look up how to buff an acrylic aquarium the same rules can be applied to your visor, just on a smaller scale.

As long as you're certain that there isn't some kind of anti-fog coating.

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Surprised no one has mentioned trying Novus lens cleaner. I use the fine scratch remover and then their polish. Has never damaged my Oakley visor at all. I brought mine off ebay. Great product. Isn't the cheapest, but you can also use it for other things to justify the cost.


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i tried to buff out a visor with this acrylic stuff that toy makers use for platic things and it ended up removing the anti fog layer on the visor. it cleared it up but the fog was more noticable

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I use to wear a Bauer Concept II shield and I use the novuspolish #1 and #2 at times to remove light to moderate depth scratches. I don't believe you willl need to use #3 because #3 is for deep cuts or gashes to your shield and if you have to use #3 you probably will have to replace the shield in my opinion.

Note: When I used Novuspolish, I have to say I was not worried about removing the anti-fog coating because I always had problems with fogging while using this mask.

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