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Hockey Player with one arm

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Gotta love that kid... some people you just know within 5 minutes are going to be successful at whatever they do. Favorite part of the story:

To make sure people don’t feel awkward around him, the immensely likable sports management student at Brock University with a face-engulfing smile has a sense of humour about it all. The day he came out of the coaches’ room after making the team, the other players asked what was said. “Keep two hands on the stick,” he quipped.

As for his scoring?

“All my goals are short-handed.”

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There is a guy in my league who I have played against maybe 3 times now who has only one hand.

I don't know HOW he does it, but he plays pretty damn good. I've seen him score a goal or two, actually.

It is amazing what peple can do when they have the will!

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That's awesome! I remember seeing a story a year or two ago about a goalie that was either missing his fingers or a whole hand. I can't remember but it seems like he was playing college or maybe a low level pro?

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Kid I played with in high school had one arm amputated below the elbow, and he used the nub and his elbow-pit to hold the top of his stick. He was good then but played with him recently and he didn't seem to be at the same level anymore.

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I used to played box lacrosse in Ontario a few times against a guy that had an arm amputated just above the elbow, probably midget age. He was pretty darn good offensively and on D ( cross-checking is the primary form of contact) he'd stick the amputated arm into the pocket of his stick and lay into people. Never would know he was playing with one arm, better than I ever was. A pretty good feet considering lacrosse is all about the hands.

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I played Junior with a kid that had a prosthetic arm on his blocker side. His arm was booed to his stick through his blocker. He was very good, you would have never known he had any thing wrong. Except one fateful day. We were in a championship game, packed house for our team and league. Game was getting late we are up by one. Our opponent gained the O Zone and sends a cross ice pass to an open man. The goaltender stacks his pads and flies cross crease (yes I said stacked the pads it was some time ago). In doing so he led with the blocker. He moved with an explosive push, as he slid his arm flew off and went airborne like a boomerang, blocker stick and arm. It crashed into the glass near the hash mark, the crowd gasped the player ducked.

Goalie got up and took a position like nothing happened.

We grab the puck and go rink long and nearly burry it. Meanwhile the goalie was retrieving his arm. The crowd, most of them, had no clue he had the prosthetic arm. The thought he lost his real arm. It was pretty humorous. I give that kid tons of credit.

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Good for this guy. I had a coach back in house league that had played for years with one arm amputated about half way between the shoulder and elbow. He used his armpit as a "top hand" on his stick

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once i lined up against a guy and i was chirping him and i said ive seen better hands on war amps,except he was a war amp and i did not know so i felt really bad :sad: he had a fake hand

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  On 1/8/2012 at 1:39 PM, bar down said:

once i lined up against a guy and i was chirping him and i said ive seen better hands on war amps,except he was a war amp and i did not know so i felt really bad :sad: he had a fake hand

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Interesting story/blog column by Kerry Fraser, which seems relevant here. Most of the time it's all in good fun, like in your case, but there are times when it's inadvertently not; that's why I don't chirp people haha, better things to do imo.


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  On 1/8/2012 at 11:10 PM, AIREAYE said:

Interesting story/blog column by Kerry Fraser, which seems relevant here. Most of the time it's all in good fun, like in your case, but there are times when it's inadvertently not; that's why I don't chirp people haha, better things to do imo.


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So either there are a lot of tears being shed in the NHL, or Kerry has a bit of an exaggeration streak in him.

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A few years back, FSN (Now Root Sports) did a feature about Mario Lemieux's cousin playing hockey with one arm at the Penguins Adult Fantasy Camp.....Incredible and inspiring stuff to see!

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Played part of a season 5-7 years ago with a guy who had a prosthetic leg from mid-thigh down. If you saw him skate, you'd never guess that he didn't have a real leg. Solid defenceman, easily one of the best skaters on the team (and it was a decent top division adult rec team). He had one prosthetic that he wore to the game, and another in his hockey bag that he used for playing hockey.

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  On 10/30/2011 at 4:59 PM, sabby47 said:

That's awesome! I remember seeing a story a year or two ago about a goalie that was either missing his fingers or a whole hand. I can't remember but it seems like he was playing college or maybe a low level pro?

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You might be thinking of Dan Blackburn, the goalie who played with the Rangers until he suffered such severe nerve damage that he couldn't use a catching glove. He ended up in kind of a tight spot, being forced either to risk his medical compensation by challenging the league to let him play with two blockers (one a hybrid glove/blocker), even though he might never revive his career, or retiring comfortably but never playing professionally again.

  On 1/8/2012 at 11:10 PM, AIREAYE said:

Most of the time it's all in good fun, like in your case, but there are times when it's inadvertently not; that's why I don't chirp people haha, better things to do imo.

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You chirped me pretty well, but then, I'm an easy target. :laugh:

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Very sure: it was totally justified, too, and well turned to boot. All I could do was say, "Ah, le mot juste," and try not to let in another softie.

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  On 1/9/2012 at 9:02 PM, skeeter14 said:

A few years back, FSN (Now Root Sports) did a feature about Mario Lemieux's cousin playing hockey with one arm at the Penguins Adult Fantasy Camp.....Incredible and inspiring stuff to see!

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I remember seeing that too. They were also talking about it when I went to a Penguins adult skills clinic this past summer.

Stories like these definitely inspire me and make me realize just how truly blessed I am. I was diagnosed with a severe degenerative autoimmune joint and bone disease back in '06. At one point, I literally couldn't walk because it had attacked my weight bearing joints (feet, ankles, knees, hips, pelvis, spine) to the point of bone loss and deep "notching" into several of the joint structures. It has been a long road, but after getting hooked up with a good Rheumatologist, several other specialists, a few Orthopaedic Surgeons, finding the right combination of medications, and believing God for miracles I was able to start light skating about one year ago, stick & puck sessions about 6 months ago, and my first pick-up game in nearly 20 years about 5 weeks ago. I'm still nowhere near "normal", deal with daily pain, and there is no known cure for the condition that I have. But, I still feel like Superman compared to someone out there doing this stuff while missing a limb! I mean, are you kidding me?! Like someone else said, that kid in the video had better hands, even with only having one, than I have with both. People like him and the folks playing sled hockey are true inspirations. I do pray that as things like this become more common that it will open up more playing opportunities for varying levels of disabilities.

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There is a player at NARCH that was playing yesterday, and he only had one arm. He sniped bar down while I was watching too, it was awesome. Very inspiring.

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