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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Taping Sticks

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Black tape about 4 inches from heel to the toe, cover the toe entirely. I keep my stick wax in the freezer to keep it from globing up so I rub it on the tape and then heat it a bit to melt it in.

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White tape, generally no wax. Used baby powder for a little, but I stopped pretty quickly. Take a piece of white tape going from the bottom of the heel around to the toe. Break off two small pieces to wrap around the toe again. The toe to heel all of the way.

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little nob on the end of the stick and then about 4-5" of black friction tape on the blade and then a good wax on the bottom 1" or so. I only retape when I've completely worn through the old stuff and sometimes I'll tape one layer over the old before I tear it all off and start from scratch.

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Heel to toe wrap for almost the entire length of the blade. Leave about an inch on each end uncovered. Black tape, no wax.

Experimenting with a middle to toe only tape job and a roller style tape job with strips on either side of the blade, but not the bottom - as Fedorov did at one of the super skills.

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New-ish to ice hockey, and I'm wondering, without mocking me, could you explain why you wax the stick - what benefits does it have?

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New-ish to ice hockey, and I'm wondering, without mocking me, could you explain why you wax the stick - what benefits does it have?

most people i know wax to prevent the snow build up on the blade.

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Wow, some people just need some help.

You mean those that pine over their favourite players like drooly children and disregard all of their own preferences for what they perceive to be their favourite players' preferences? :P

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I used black tape and tape for heel to toe for about 3/4 of the blade. I dont use wax because I find it actually attracts snow build up. Maybe its because when I waxed I used candles.

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i use a narrower black tape and run a strip on the bottom and than i go from the heel to about 2 inches from the toe and i put wax on and melt it in with my heat gun

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I use white cloth. Put a strip over the toe and tape to about 3 inches from the heel. Use a little crazy or stick glue on the last strip of tape to keep in place.

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Start with a strip of electrician's tape across the bottom of the blade (it protects the bottom of it if all the tape gets worn off), then wrap from heel to high on the toe with black tape. Wax it across the bottom and a little on the face. Go nuts from there.

I learned the electricians tape thing from a buddy of mine who was a goalie. He did it to the bottom of the blade and the paddle of his sticks where it made contact with the ice. I don't retape as often as most so once all the cloth tape has been worn off, it keeps the blade from being rubbed down.

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For the blade I tape from the heel (but not up into the shaft at all...thats disgusting) completely over the toe and cut off the excess. I've had problems with the toe chipping before and this really helps cut that down. If I have an older blade that I don't care if it breaks or chips, then I'll tape from the middle to the toe, leaving the heel tapeless. Thats what I really like to do, but I find the heel chips up pretty easy that way.

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