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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

2012 Warrior Hockey Catalogue

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Ahh, I see; good to know. This was before my time but I guess it could have to do with 'high # = more flex = whippier' assc that customers always ask about.

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Any word on when the sticks will hit the stores? I need to place an order but I'd rather wait for a sale.

Also the Widow is unchanged but do you know if they will sell it as a 2012 model or just keep calling it the 2011?


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Any word on when the sticks will hit the stores? I need to place an order but I'd rather wait for a sale.

Also the Widow is unchanged but do you know if they will sell it as a 2012 model or just keep calling it the 2011?


Widow remains, but there is also the additional SE for 2012 Spring.

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Anyone know the release date for the new Warrior Projekt gloves?

I'd also like to know. And even more generally, is the Warrior protective an April release? Is it a secret?

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does anyone know if the new widow se will be realesed in the upcoming month or will it be near the end of june. just curious looking forward to seeing it in stores.

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does anyone know if the new widow se will be realesed in the upcoming month or will it be near the end of june. just curious looking forward to seeing it in stores.

Unless I've missed something, I don't see a Widow SE in the new catalogue.

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I've tried to find a release date for the Warrior protective gear to no avail. When is the new stuff supposed to hit stores?

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Shopping around for a new helmet for my 10-year old son who currently plays on a squirt-level team. The new Warrior Krown 360 has my interest. Especially with its unique adjustment feature. Given that fit is key to protection, does anyone have any info regarding the comfort, weight and protection level of this helmet?

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Has anyone seen the new Projekt gloves for sale yet?

I still haven't seen them for sale, however I do own a pair.

Very nice Glove actually. Very movable fingers, but a really tight fit. Think Bauer total ones tight. I still have to try it out on Ice, but so far I am really impressed.

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