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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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EMB and CCM. I post a bit on EMB, but its been slow, well until the Toy Drive, and CCM I have maybe a dozen posts. I like to watch the others when I'm just kicking around on the computer. Help out if I can.

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I'll read gongshow on occasion, but I rarely, if ever post on there. I also read www.letsgowings.com and www.tmlfans.ca, but because theres no season, I don't read there much either. I'll stop by EMB once every couple of weeks.

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You mean there are message boards other than this one....?

Seriously, I post on the Hamilton Bulldogs & Montreal Canadiens quite often. I read EMB (because they won't activate my account) and I've looked at CCM a bit, but mostly here on MSH.

[EDIT] Oh, I read FARK.com a lot, but I don't know if you consider that a message baord. I was reading the Howard Stern board, but it's been shut down in the last week or so.

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here, bodybuilding.com, cuttingedgemuscle.com, intensity-training.com, sherdog.com, just joined hockeygeeks, CharlieFrancis.com, anabolicminds.com, and fightingarts.com. I'm kinda into human performance, just a bit

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~ HackerHockey.ca ~ accessible through...

www.hackerhockey.ca or www.coednakedhockey.ca or www.devilshockey.ca

(it's a board run by my wife and myself for our hockey teams) :D

~ The Goalie Store aka Miller ~ www.goaliestore.com

~ TML Fans ~ www.tmlfans.ca (formerly the penaltybox.com)

and to some lesser extent: civilgoalies.com, canadiangoalies.com and the new hockeygeeks.com board.

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