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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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5 Minute Major

Now this is pretty awesome!

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blue team have their jerseys on backward?

Nope, look at the still photo in the OP and you can see the jerseys have numbers on both sides. The front of the jersey has white laces.

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Dos Equis are lining one of these events up now as well, featuring The Man recreating Bobby Orr's goal but flying backwards, ending with: "I don't always play beer-league hockey, but when I do, it's in front of a full house."

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I love that rink, used to play in it a few times in house. They did drastic renovations to the place over the past couple years iirc. all of those seats are repositioned, the glass lined windows of the cafe was all newly installed. The seats are so close to the benches that those sitting 'front row' could reach over and smack the coach's heads if they wanted to; no netting protecting them from flying pucks either! That's why the refs had us move back a row when I was watching my brother's game one night. Frankly, I like the old rink better, there's so much heritage in this place...by the lake too so it's really nice :smile: so I guess the renovations could've helped the crew choose this spot.

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Typical union BS. They are not worried about the people being exploited they are worried about the money that the Union didn't get. I watched the video multiple times, I didn't see one person who looked like they were unhappy or exploited.

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