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Rocket Sport Dryer

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Something about it heating up my equipment to dry it makes me nervous. Seems like a good idea though.

It claims to be heating to only 70F (22C) - room temperature, basically. Your gear gets way hotter than that on your body, so I'd say the temperature isn't a problem. For $100, might be worth a try.

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Yeah I'm gonna pick one up in a couple of weeks when my season restarts, I'll let you guys know how it is.

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Yeah I'm gonna pick one up in a couple of weeks when my season restarts, I'll let you guys know how it is.

Did you end up getting one? I've seen nothing but great reviews online. I went ahead and ordered one from Hockey Monkey yesterday and am excited to try it out.

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I have one. It's pretty cool. About an hour in there and the gear is all dry. Definitely keeps it from smelling so foul from sitting around wet for long periods.

My only gripe is it's a little flimsy. It doesn't heat the gear up too much, but it does go higher than 70 degrees. The only thing I don't put in mine is my skates.

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it's great i've been using it for 5 months since i started playing hockey and gear doesn't smell at all (smells a little like the antimicrobial febreeze :p )

it's seriously one of the best purchases i've made as far as hockey goes

a no brainer for me for around $100 as gear is totally dry and ready to put back into bag in about 2 h

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If your house is room temperature and you hang up your equipment is this really any better?

Also, can you fit pants? shoulder pads? and everything in there at once?

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I bought one about 5 months ago - love it. There's room (and an "s" hook") for everything but my helmet. Took me a couple of times to figure out the best way to arrange the gear, but it all fits with enough space to let the air blow through. The hanger arms have several notches to space the gear out on, as well as several holes on the base the arms attach to that you can use to hang items closer to the center. Hanging your gloves by the thumb loops gets them dryer quicker, keeps that glove funk down.

The warmer/blower unit at the bottom forces the air up through the gear, the cover has several vent holes in the top to all the air to flow through - definitely more effective than letting it air dry at room temperature. My dryer gets the gear warm, but not at all hot. I keep my gear in the garage, if it's extra cold I'll run it for 10 minutes before I load my gear up to avoid putting on ice cold gear.

The cover is a little flimsy, especially the zipper. To prevent excess wear and tear, I don't unzip it all the way. I leave the bottom zipped and just let the cover fall to the side. The rest of the unit is pretty good. Not glued 2" PVC pipe solid, but with reasonable care it should last. I also attached a couple of dryer sheets with a rubber band about 6" above the blower, helps keep the gear a little bit fresher.

If you have any more questions or want pics, let me know!

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If your house is room temperature and you hang up your equipment is this really any better?

Also, can you fit pants? shoulder pads? and everything in there at once?

sure, if you got a spare room to have the equipment lying around all the time. plus, not every room of everyone's house is heated and depending on where you live you can have different weather conditions.

like the guy on my team had all his equipment wet last nite cause his laundry room was cold.

here you take 2 hours and boom.. .dry no matter the weather and ready to be put back in the bag.

yes it can fit everything.

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ive been using one for a few months to, i have room to fit every piece of gear in it. works perfect. great for apartments to. dry it fast, take it apart in a few mins, pack it away till you need it again, it even comes with a travel bag to store it in.

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I bought one when they first came out a few months ago and i have no complaints it can be setup in less than 2 mins everything fits only thing i don't put in is skates and helmet. one hour and everything is dry if you do it right after a game/practice you really cut down on odors and bacteria. if your thinking about buying one i'd recommend you do.

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The only thing is, if your gear already smells at all - your entire house / room where the thing is will smell.

Mine is in the basement. When my gear was a bit funky, I could smell it on the second floor from the air wafting up the stairway.

Lesson: wash gear if it's already funky, then dry it and keep it dried out as soon as possible after wearing.

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Does anyone leave there's set up all the time? and leave there gear in it all the time? or do you have to take it out after the dry?

I guess I am wondering if it is sturdy enough to hold equipment all time

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Does anyone leave there's set up all the time? and leave there gear in it all the time? or do you have to take it out after the dry?

I guess I am wondering if it is sturdy enough to hold equipment all time

I do. But I don't put my chest pad (U+ CL) and skates in; they dry under the ceiling fan. The dryer does get quite hot once it starts going and I don't want my skates to break down prematurely. They're creasing badly as is, only after 7 months on them.

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Lesson: wash gear if it's already funky, then dry it and keep it dried out as soon as possible after wearing.



try to get get the smell out before using the dryer.

i started with new equipment (no smell obviously) and after 5 months of 1-2 times/week no smell at all (except a bit of the febreeze spray that i use).

it will drastically keep the smell down if equip doesn't smell to begin with.

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Figured I'd bump this up since I bought one earlier this year and wanted to provide my thoughts.

For starters, its a simple enough system. 3 legs holding up a base, consisting of motor and 'guts' of the dryer. Aluminum/Metal pole with 6 'arms', each arm having 3 slots for holding an S hook, as well as a hole between each arm to hold an S hook as well. As well as a cover that keeps are and heat circulating inside. Several S hooks, and some plastic yellow clips (similar to clothespins, but with small hooks, able to fit on an S hook). It is set on a timer, with recommendations that most gear is dry within 45-60 minutes. As a heavy sweater, and with the amount of gear I have inside, I typically set it on 120 minutes. Once time is up, the dryer shuts itself off.

For the last 14 weeks I have used this immediately after every skate. I'm a clean freak when it comes to my gear, so as soon as I get home:

  • All linens (jersey, socks, under-apparel, etc...) immediately are taken out of my hockey bag and into the washing machine.
  • All gear immediately goes into the rocket sport dryer (minus the helmet, as I have not tested any effect it might have on the visor)
  • Bag gets sprayed and wiped down.

Sounds like a lot but I have it down to between 5-10 minutes to get all this done as soon as I get home.

Size wise; there is plenty of room inside of the dryer to hold all of my gear. Pants, elbow pads, shoulder pads, shin pads, gloves, and both skates. My gear has no ZERO to VERY minimal smell, including gear used prior to purchasing the dryer, smell has improved drastically. I do not spray or put anything on any of this gear such as febreeze etc..., it is solely the job of the dryer.

  1. Gloves had the liner flipper so the inside is more exposed, and has worked well. No smell at all. Palms are soft, no issues with drying out and becoming hard. No issues at all really. In fact I put these in the dryer for a while as soon as I bought them then wore them for a bit, almost to heat them up a bit to break in better. not sure if it helped, but didn't hurt.
  2. Elbows have no issues
  3. Shins get the liner removed and washed. had some smell from previous use before owning the dryer, smell has now diminished significantly.
  4. Pants have no issues
  5. Shoulders have no issues
  6. Skates are a bit tricky. I always hang them 'toe-up', and take out the foot-bed, which also sits in the dryer. I typically remove them after 30 minutes inside and they are typically well dry by then. Occasionally I have forgot or fell asleep and failed to remove them, and they set through the entire cycle. While the blade and eyelets get quite warm, as well as the boot itself, i have not seen any ill effects from doing this.
  7. The bag/cover that comes with the dryer has held up very well, no signs of ripping/tearing.

Overall, I would say I am very pleased with the Rocket Sport Dryer. Only issue I have had is that I don't think it comes with enough S Hooks, but, that's not a huge deal. I would highly recommend this to anyone looking for something simple that performs well. Only real Con i can find would be price, as it's going for $120. However, I believe it's well worth it, showing so far signs that it will maintain quality and cleanliness of my gear, which will lengthen it's use significantly. This has probably been one of the best investments I have made for my equipment.

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I have been using the Rocket Dryer 3 times a week since Christmas. I put everything but my helmet in it. I get home from hockey, load it up, set it to 120 minutes, and go to sleep. Equipment is always bone dry in the morning, takes much longer between washes to start smelling, and has suffered no ill effects from the heat,

Love this thing.

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Count me in amongst the folks who love this dryer. I used a 20% off coupon code when I ordered it, so the value calculation was a no brainer, as it came out under $100. Unlike others I put my helmet in it with no problems. I wear a cage, not a visor. I have not put my skates in it, though they don't get nearly as wet as the rest of my stuff. I wear a Shock Doctor 581 jock (pants, not shorts), and I think that helps keep the sweat from dripping down and collecting my skates, but that's just speculation. I put my skates in my den with the door closed and the ceiling fan on high, which would probably work for the rest of the gear as well, but I like how the Rocket Dryer keeps everything organized and I have not noticed any ill effects from the heat that is generated. On that subject, I am not sure why they claim the temperature is 70 degrees. I haven't measured it, but I'm certain it's much higher than that. By the time the Rocket Dryer has been running for an hour in the same room as my skates, the entire room feels warmer than the rest of the house, and we keep the a/c (we need it year round down here) set at 74 degrees. Maybe if you use it in an unheated garage during a cold winter day up north it would heat things up to 70 degrees.

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This looks great for those who have no room, or are on travel teams or do a lot of tournaments. ALSO FOR THOSE THAT MAY HAVE ROOMMATES IN A SMALL APARTMENT! i mean us players tolerate the smell bc we are hockey players but im sure enough of us young people here have to deal with roommates and they shouldnt have to deal with your smell.

Im lucky enough that in the colder seasons i put all my stuff in a warm dry boiler room and close the door. drys fast and smells nice. during the late spring, early fall where it still may be summerhot, and my roller gear is put through a sweat marathon i lay it around one of the two dehumidifiers in my basement and it helps but its not boiler room good and the next day you walk down there and smell it. for the summer off season i wash my stuff pronto and pack it away. but this would be great for using after pickup games and getting things way drier quicker.

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