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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 9k girdle.

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I wear a pro stock 9k girdle. It fits differently than other girdles, which usually consist of tight shorts that hold all the pads close to your body. The 9k is a modular setup, meaning that it consists of a shorter pair of tight shorts that includes the kidney, tailbone, and spinal padding, and that unit is connected to free-floating adjustible thigh pads. The result is a nice snug fit on your midsection but a looser free-flowing fit in the legs.

I have found the protection to be very solid. The only thing I'll note is that it has light kidney protectors built in because 9k shells that are meant to be used with it have their own plastic kidney guards built in.

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I have a Bauer x60 ACP girdle. I liked the close-fitting style better than the style of the RBK girdle. I also felt that the x60 had the best protection all around compared to all of the other brands. I had to install suspender loops closer to the front of the pad (Bauer puts loops pretty far back on the pad) and bachelor buttons to put the suspenders on. Once everything was adjusted, I cut a couple pieces of velcro to cover the exposed velcro on the adjustable thighs that were catching on the backside of the logos on my shells.

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I had the Totalone pads and i found that i was always getting hit hard into places without much padding like the waist area that had become a problem for me, i had just recently got the 9k pads and much more protection in avery sort of way. also the totalones did not have the spine guard which made it venerable in some situations from crosschecks infront of the net or battling in the corns. Also i notices that the tailbone piece was not near low enough to protect from falling in some points when you really just land full on your ass instead of an angle. 9k are definitely a better choice IMO.

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I've been looking at these. Like the idea of tight around waist and can loosen legs. But I don't know if it will fit me right. I go with a medium in pants although I should probably wear a large for my waist. But I'm 5'8 and large is usually too long.

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I'm 5'11 and a medium verges on to long in the legs and tight round the waist even though I'm only 36" around. However these are pads were the leg is designed to sit right on top of or even just under the top of the shin guard leaving no part of the front leg exposed. I do wish there was a little more adjustment around the waist but other than that, these are the best girdles out there.

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I absolutely love mine. Offers more protection and more customization, they do tend to run small.

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I know but wondering at 5"8 with a large if legs will be too long even if I adjust them to the shortest they can be.

The leg pad adjusts with a velcro strip that at your height would be, imho, about an inch or 2 to long as it comes. However you could bring it up by about another 2 inches with just a simple mod, all you need is a small patch of the loop velcro and stitch / glue this on the underside of the pad below what Rbk have there. Then trim the strap to length and the pad length should be all good.

Whilst this adjustment for the leg pad is great, the way it attaches to the main body of the girdle isn't particularly robust. You do need to take care in handling the pads to ensure they stay in top condition, they aren't as strong in this area as other girdles such as X60's, TotalOnes or CCM pros. I take my leg pads off each time so as to not put any extra stress on the stitching / fabric that holds the velcro straps to the main body of the girdle.

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The 9k girdle is great! Very adjustable. If you can get your hands on the appropriate 9k shell it has mating straps to the girdle and has additional padding to cover gaps

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I know but wondering at 5"8 with a large if legs will be too long even if I adjust them to the shortest they can be.

im 5'8 175 with a 34 waist(36 when i bought it) and the large fits fine, legs shortened up just right on me.

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