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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Question

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I have a Bauer Tri-Flex Gold shaft that I spraypainted gold, and I want to take it off...does anyone know a way that I can take it off without scratching the shaft? Thanks guys

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Hmmm what would I use with rubbing alcohol? Because I tried it and I have no luck, and no paint thinner around the house, any other suggestions?

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Paint thinner is the best and easiest way, if you don't have some then go buy some, it's really cheap.

You can also use nail polish remover, but generally that type of stuff comes in very small quantities and you'd need a pretty good amount of it for something the size of a stick.

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I don't know about using paint thinner, or, even repainting in general. First off, it will obviously void the warrantee. However, I'd fear the chemicals of the thinner (or whatever you use to either remove paint or repaint) could comprimise the integrity of the stick. After all, the graphite fibers are held together with some sort of bonding agent, I'd fear it making the stick weaker.

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Well the warantee is definitley up, I have had it for a while, but I need to know, maybe I'll try the nail polish remover, but right now nothing becuase I just got home from a game, and I got messed up...so I don't want to do anything right now...

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I just got home from a game, and I got messed up...

That's what happens when you spraypaint your stick gold.

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I just got home from a game, and I got messed up...

That's what happens when you spraypaint your stick gold.


Ehh it had nothing to do with the stick, and I didn;t even use it in the game, I basically got thrown into the boards and went in head first very very very hard..........

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Acetone works well with removing paint, but be careful, i'm not sure if it will damage the original color of the shaft....maybe use a little bit and see how it works, and if it starts to take off the original color of the shaft maybe spray paint it black or another color. You can find it basically at most hardware stores. Good luck.


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