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Rebadging gear, why?

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Below is a link to a pic of Ales Hemsky from the World Championships sporting a rebadged helmet, it's clearly a Bauer helmet but with CCM logos on it. Does anyone know the reason behind this? And what's in it for the companies affected? Why would Bauer even allow this, unless they get paid for it by CCM? And why not simply just blacken the original logo out if it's because of team endorsement? It just looks tacky and downright stupid to me when one piece of gear has a logo of a competitor. Like putting an Audi logo on a BMW, that would just look wrong as well.


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Certain national teams have agreements with manufacturers and have to put that brand name on certain pieces of gear.

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I can see why, but does the other brand get any kind of compensation whenever that happens? What's in it for Bauer in this case, when someone uses their gear with a CCM logo on it? Does CCM pay a fee to Bauer or something?

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No, they don't get any compensation. Like Chadd said the teams have to show certain brand name on certain equipment. Only thing Bauer gets is some people noticing "hey, that guy likes to wear Bauer helmet instead of CCM".

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  On 5/22/2012 at 8:51 AM, Petey21 said:

I can see why, but does the other brand get any kind of compensation whenever that happens? What's in it for Bauer in this case, when someone uses their gear with a CCM logo on it? Does CCM pay a fee to Bauer or something?

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All of them do it, so why would they pay each other?

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Until I started playing hockey and I couldn't tell one helmet from another. I never paid attention to equipment, I was just a fan. Just like music fans usually don't know the brand of instruments their favorite musicians play, unless they themselves are musicians too. I've seen plenty of drum kits w/ branding of a different company on the front bass head from what the actual drum manufacturer was -It's always an endorsement deal reason.

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Slightly different, but when my girlfriend played at the Women's World Championships in Bulgaria last year, she had to spray her TPS stick black. Something to do with sponsorship at the event.

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  On 5/22/2012 at 8:59 PM, Special Blend said:

I noticed that Ovechkins jofa/rbk elbows had bauer printing on them as well this year after his switch.

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No, those are Nexus 1000s

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  On 5/22/2012 at 9:15 PM, JR Boucicaut said:

No, those are Nexus 1000s

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..and Bauer hits a homerun.

If Bauer can price the 1000s under the price of 7k and 8k elbows, which are currently worth their weight in gold, then these things will fly off the shelves.

I haven't found anything close to what the 7ks offer, they just work. Curious to see if the 1000s are similar.

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  On 5/22/2012 at 9:33 PM, Harv said:

..and Bauer hits a homerun.

If Bauer can price the 1000s under the price of 7k and 8k elbows, which are currently worth their weight in gold, then these things will fly off the shelves.

I haven't found anything close to what the 7ks offer, they just work. Curious to see if the 1000s are similar.

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Bit too soon to declare that, don't you think? They're not even on the market yet, and they will definitely be much cheaper than what those pro stock RBK/Jofas are going for. Plus, most people don't hold RBK/Jofa stuff in as high regard as some of us do here. Bauer will pave its own way (as if they haven't already) with their own product.

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  On 5/22/2012 at 9:15 PM, JR Boucicaut said:

No, those are Nexus 1000s

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You're gonna have to elaborate.



the elbows have a different colour scheme and strapping system. bauer pro model?

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Ugh, yes, sorry - my bad. It's a modified pad made for him. Remember he went back to the Jofas shortly after he signed the Bauer deal. They put the Bauer logo there so that there would be no mistake.

Been a long few weeks. I have so many other things going on MSH-wise (SummerJam/other things) that I don't know which way is up most days.

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  On 5/23/2012 at 3:56 PM, JR Boucicaut said:

Ugh, yes, sorry - my bad. It's a modified pad made for him. Remember he went back to the Jofas shortly after he signed the Bauer deal. They put the Bauer logo there so that there would be no mistake.

Been a long few weeks. I have so many other things going on MSH-wise (SummerJam/other things) that I don't know which way is up most days.

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happens to the best of us

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