Trippingblue 1 Report post Posted June 2, 2012 Hey guys,I know people like their guns around here but does anyone shoot with a bow? I am looking to buy a bow to start shooting targets with. I've shot a longbow, but what's the difference between that and a recurve bow? What else should I know about traditional shooting? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Machinehead2k5 32 Report post Posted June 2, 2012 I have a handmade recurve my dad gave me.Here are some A's to your Q. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ktang 34 Report post Posted June 2, 2012 I made some bows for me and my son. If you're going to go traditional, you may want to eventually try making one. A flatbow is easier to make than a longbow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
x-axis 44 Report post Posted June 2, 2012 Cool topic. I think the recurve is the most popular since it is used in the olympics. A long bow, on the other hand, is missing a lot of the extra gadgets a recurve bow has like sights. It looks more minimalist and is very Robin Hoodesque. There is normally more velocity on arrows shot by a recurve though. The last type are compound bows which have the most velocity and are most often used by hunters and fisherman. I got the chance to get into it because they have a free program at my public park. I think most places have a similar program especially since the Hunger Games movie came out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trippingblue 1 Report post Posted June 3, 2012 Thanks for that link; so essentially if I'm reading that correctly a recurve bow and a longbow can have the same draw weight but a recurve bow carries more energy faster?I would totally love to make my own bow...eventually. This time around I'm going to my local archery shop and let them fit me up since I've no clue what I'm doing.You're the 2nd person to mention the Hunger Games- the guy at the archery store told me he sold out of LH models and his business has shot through the roof since the movie came out! I guess this could be a good year to grow the sport since the Avengers and Brave also have archers as main characters...not to mention this being an Olympic year and all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trippingblue 1 Report post Posted August 17, 2012 OK, so it turns out archery is worse than hockey at attracting gear whores- already I'm looking for a new bow set-up. For my first one I went with a PSE Razorback at 35# draw with a Cartel Junior sight. Started with Easton aluminium arrows but switched to carbon from Victory Archery. Here's a video of me shooting at the range in Balboa Park (San Diego): Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EvilPepe 24 Report post Posted August 23, 2012 Years ago I used to have a few bows I'd hit the range with. Thought about getting back into it recently but I'm waiting until the Hunger Games fervor dies down :p Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crazyhick 19 Report post Posted August 23, 2012 i currently hunt with an older Bear bruin xpress2 that I snagged of ebay some years ago. Recently, I've been practice shooting with my dad's old wooden Jennings compound bow. very fun to shoot, and may even bring it in the woods a few times this year.Just got my Gf into shooting also. Picked her up a decent condition Browning Micro Midas 3 for short money. She loves doing it and it gets her out outside a little more Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snuzzo24 0 Report post Posted August 28, 2012 I shoot a Hoyt Powerhawk. Its been a great bow for me and shoots well. I am actually going bowhunting for the first time this year. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
number21 3 Report post Posted August 31, 2012 I used to shoot a fiberglass longbow when I was a kid. I have been recently thinking about it since I daily pass a park with an archey range on it. After homebrew and hockey, I think my wife would kill me if I picked up another hobby. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites