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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Remove Grip coating from Shaft

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Lost of myths out there...one being: just spray Windex on your stick. Have not tried anything yet, but very curious what REALISTIC ideas are out there short of Sanding down the Grip coating.

Thanks, Chris

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I used the sandpaper to remove grip. It worked reasonable well. It takes a fair bit of work to remove the grip. It may also take some of the graphics off as well.

The stick ended up not being my everyday stick so I didn't finish getting all of the grip off.

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I've just avoided buying sticks with grip, but the method I hear most often is using a heat gun and a sharp hobby knife.

Heat the stick up and carefully slice through the grip layer with the hobby knife. Slowly peel the grip coating off, continuing to work the area you're about to remove with the heat gun.

I'm not sure that works for all types of grip, but it seems like a better method to try before hitting the stick with sandpaper or steel wool to me.

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I had an old Easton GripLite shaft that got WAY too grippy/tacky/sticky for me so I bought some clear coat spray paint & sprayed a couple layers of that over the shaft. I haven't used it a whole lot so I have no idea how it would hold up to a ton of use, but it did solve my problem & it didn't involve cutting or sanding anything.

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I had a grip stick that I wanted to spray paint white to see how a white stick worked out for me. I wasn't worried about losing the grip as I've been wanting to go back to a non-grip stick anyways. When I prepped the stick I sanded it down with a fine grit and it really took off the grip pretty well. There was some left but not a lot. Now, once I spray painted the white on there then definitely no more grip. I would have no issue assuming a clear coat spray would work the same way.

The cool thing about the fine grip sand paper was that it actually matted down the stick a little bit as well. I might actually apply that to another stick that's pretty glossy.

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Isopropyl Alcohol would probably do the job, We use it at work to get fedex delivery note holders off plastic and metal cases. It works as a solvent on the glue if you leave it for a minute or so, and I use it bare handed and it doesn't seem to do any damage to me lol

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You will notice some J&J Baby Powder on the bench when the Big Boys practice...sprinkle it on lite...does not take much...easier to put more on than to take some of it off if too much.

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Just posted this is another topic asking for pretty much the same thing, but, paint your stick in clear coat spray paint. Sand it first in high grit sandpaper to scuff it up and allow the paint to bind better but a few light coats of that should greatly decrease the tackiness of the stick.

So I guess that's another vote for spray paint.

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The kids have left some good sticks outside and living in Japan with the humidity being cause - not sure, BUT the shafts have become so "grippy", your hand sticks to the shaft and leaves your hands sticky and gross just from holding the stick.

Dust, hair and whatever else has been blowing around has also stuck to the shafts. Being over a half dozen sticks of different brands, really want to find a fix for removing the grip cleanly. Tried nail polish remover and works a bit but not good enough.

Any tested suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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