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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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black hills tj

75 Flex Sticks

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Hey Guys,

Little background info first...I'm 5' 8" and about 150 lbs. I play rec men's league so nothing crazy. I'm 23 and did not play highschool hockey at all, but I really love playing and am trying to get better to play some decently competetive hockey. I normally play center/forward, and I prefer slinging wristshots. I very rarely take slappers at all. Right now I'm running an 85 Flex Z Bubble with a short wooden plug and a Tron composite blade with a Sakic like curve. I have become pretty proficient with the curve, so I wouldn't mind something similar. However, I would like a lighter flex stick. Unfortunately, I'm having a hard time finding many sticks with a 75/77 flex that I wouldn't have to cut down and end up right back at 85 flex where I am now. I was able to get my hands on an intermediate Easton 65S in a 65 flex, but I'm not a fan of the intermediate shaft dimensions and 65 flex I think would be too whippy to enjoy. However, I did really like the weight and balance of the 65S. I'm not looking to spend a ton of money...the cheaper the better. Prostock under 100 bucks would be an option, and I'm open to shaft/blade combos. Any help is greatly appreciated!



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I think you should be ok with an Easton 75 flex stick since Easton's flex ratings are right on a couple of inches down from full length.

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I think you should be ok with an Easton 75 flex stick since Easton's flex ratings are right on a couple of inches down from full length.

As far as flex goes....I agree that Easton is probably your best option. Bauer starts their rating right at the end of the stick so as soon as you start cutting it gets stiffer. But also, think of it this way, if you're taking a 85flex stick and cutting. . .you're around 90-95flex or stiffer depending on how many inches you cut off. So if you cut down a 75flex you're around 80-85flex which would still be less stiff then your cut-down 85flex you're using now.

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Well, he mentioned cutting down the 75-flex stick he's interested in. So I assumed he also cut down the 85-flex even though he has a small plug in it. Either way....Easton is the still the best bet to make sure he gets the flex he wants.

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That or some mid/higher end Sherwoods (T90, N12) have a 'Free Flex Zone' which is the same idea. Intermediate Reebok sticks have beefier shaft dimensions so maybe a 65 flex AI5 could work well for you.

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To my knowledge, a full length Z-Bubble shaft is 48", as mine is. So my shaft should still be right on or close to the 85 flex rating. If I went with a 75 flex OPS, I'd most likely have to cut it down because I'm a pretty short guy. I don't see a 65s available in 75 flex. Any other suggestions for a good budget stick?

Also, if I go Easton, is the Parise curve going to be close to a sakic-like curve, or is the Hall curve more appropriate? The blade I have now which is the Tron sakic-like curve(malki) has a pretty open face, and if I could just close it up a touch, that'd be great.

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Another option you might try is a Warrior Dolomite in the Draper curve. Those sticks are flexy and the Draper is Warrior's closest pattern to the Hall/Sakic of Easton. Hockey Monkey has them on sale for pretty cheap right now.

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It's probably worth looking into a tapered shaft/blade combo until you nail down exactly what you want. You'll get that one-piece feel and kick from it. Only downer is selection. Some shops have plenty to choose from, others not so much.

I had a similar issues. I ended up going intermediate. The smaller shaft DIM's were easy enough to get used to.

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reebok and ccm 75 flex sticks [used to] come 2" shorter than their 85 flex counter parts. I can't tell you if this is still the case. you'd be looking for a reebok 87a curve. i don't recall the equivalent ccm curve.

for easton, the hall curve is the same as teh sakic curve, just updated name.

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reebok and ccm 75 flex sticks [used to] come 2" shorter than their 85 flex counter parts. I can't tell you if this is still the case. you'd be looking for a reebok 87a curve. i don't recall the equivalent ccm curve.

They are still shorter. The CCM is now the Nugent-Hopkins.

The Sherwood Nexon intermediates can be had in a 70 flex with a shaft that (to me) feels just barely smaller than a standard senior shaft - it probably wouldn't even be noticeable if the corners were not rounded as they are.

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Thanks for the help guys.

Definitely looking into going the dolomite route. Thanks for that suggestion.

It's probably worth looking into a tapered shaft/blade combo until you nail down exactly what you want. You'll get that one-piece feel and kick from it. Only downer is selection. Some shops have plenty to choose from, others not so much.

I had a similar issues. I ended up going intermediate. The smaller shaft DIM's were easy enough to get used to.

Do intermediate sticks come in a 75-ish flex? My brother has a 67 flex Warrior Bentley that he used to skate out with when he was smaller, and that thing is like a noodle.

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I've found a few 70's here and there but never a 75. That's not to say they don't make one, just not one I have seen.

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You will be more than happy with Easton 75 flex seniors IMO. They have quite a bit of whip to them. I am the same way as you (and the same height/weight), and the Easton's feel great flex wise. Also, look into the Miken 70 flex sticks if you can get a hold of one. They are what I am currently using now, and the flex is money.

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I've found a few 70's here and there but never a 75. That's not to say they don't make one, just not one I have seen.

The high end Bauer intermediate sticks are available in 75. I purchased several for my son this winter/spring.

Correction? I went to the Bauer site and they don't list 75 flex in an intermediate anymore, so maybe the 75 flex is no longer an option.

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