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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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well, he is a mormon or some kind of religion... and someone told me (so i don't know if it is true) more than half his winnings is donated to the church...

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well, he is a mormon or some kind of religion... and someone told me (so i don't know if it is true) more than half his winnings is donated to the church...

He's a mormon, and 10% of all his earnings (from his job, winnings, if he wins the lottery, WHATEVER) is supposed to go to the church, and it's called tithe. Not everybody gives tithe, but you're supposed to.

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Im so pissed he lost this way, it was so fixed he never misses that many questions and never misses in final Jepordy. Thats was a bull answer not even close. I just wish he would have gotten beat fair or just retired on his own.

BTW- He will end up with way more than 2.5Mil Hes done and will do so many shows including letterman tonight, and any commercials plus probably got a good chunk of change for throwing the losing episode.

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