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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Janne Makkonen does it again (NHL - 'Together We Can')

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This Finnish video editor is as good as it gets. His first video is still the most inspirational hockey montage i've ever seen:

Now he just uploaded his latest work in support to the players in what they apparently call the #nolockout campaign on Twitter. Still great work, these clips really have the ability to stir some emotion inside any hockey fan. Ray Bourque with the cup at the end is just...wow. Enjoy:

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I only got through a couple minutes. While the editing is well done from a technical standpoint, it's illogical on many levels.

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Lots of good editing etc but waaaaayyy too long. In this internet age, get your point across in 1 min please. Got to the three minute mark and decided to call it a day despite the quality and all. Just don't have that much patience for an internet vid.

Getting tweeted by tons of NHL players. Will they buy into the emotional flavour or hold out for more of a share of revenue to play the game they love , chose as a career and make shitloads of money playing or is it more of an ego boost watching all the highlight clips?

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Lots of good editing etc but waaaaayyy too long. In this internet age, get your point across in 1 min please. Got to the three minute mark and decided to call it a day despite the quality and all. Just don't have that much patience for an internet vid.

Getting tweeted by tons of NHL players. Will they buy into the emotional flavour or hold out for more of a share of revenue to play the game they love , chose as a career and make shitloads of money playing or is it more of an ego boost watching all the highlight clips?

Seriously? smfh

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I only got through a couple minutes. While the editing is well done from a technical standpoint, it's illogical on many levels.

So true. Stiring emotion and images with no substance. And why the footage of the riots in Vancouver? Showing 'fans' at their worst while making an emotional appeal to hockey fans? Makes no sense.

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It was quite well made, but I kind of agree that he got off track. If his point was to create an homage to hockey in hopes of avoiding/ending the lockout, I think he would have been better off skipping the Network narration, put together clips of the game and fans, then leave a plea at the end to keep the game going.

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