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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bauer blade patterns

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i know i asked this question in another thread, but it didnt get acknowledged, so i guess im gonna start a whole new topic. Now that st. louis is on bauer, will he get a pattern for 05? if so, does anybody know what will it look like if it doesnt already exist. Also MINT mentioned naslund's pattern in the other thread, what will it be like? im asking this because im really hoping bauer will put a pt3 on one of their one pieces, or any other sakicish curve.

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pt3 is a more toed out sakic, and will be available on the XXX. p71 is now the St. Louis rather than the Peca.

they need to tone down the lie on that bad boy.

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The 't3 or the Peca? I think the Peca has a mean 8 lie or so.

The peca. It's pretty much useless for 95% of the population around here.

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Wowiewowwowiee. First you repeat someone's question and then this. Have you never seen a Lidstrom? Check one out, that's your homework assignment.

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It's somewhere between the two. Tucker is like the old Lidstrom but it seems to be more like the Morrow in recent years.

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It doesnt matter what we think of it, curves are 100% personal preference. I think its hideous, others may love it. Only thing that matters is what YOU think of it. Same with skates, same with gloves, same with every piece of equipment. If everyone had the same playing style, foot shape, etc, then it would be very easy to say Skate A is better than skate B, however everything with hockey equipment is SUBJECTIVE...damn

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You were doing so well until you busted out "subjective."

Haha, as if that isn't the underlying theme of this entire board...

Anyway, I'm drunk, so don't listen to me, and Happy BDay to me!!!

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