IPv6Freely 2097 Report post Posted October 15, 2012 I've been playing on this team for a while now. This will be my 2nd full winter season (4th season in total including summers). Great guys, lots of fun, lots of beer.We're a low level team. We have some skilled guys, but certainly not guys that skate circles around the other teams. We also have guys like me - beginners. When I joined, I could barely skate. Theres another guy on the team who is also a similar level. We have 10 skaters on the roster, which means the last 5-6 games have been played with 8 skaters, on average. Sucks, but whatever.For some reason, the league director moved our team up a division, two games into the season (1-1 record, with the loss being against the team in what is now the division below us) He also sent us four new players, 3 of which are hotshots. You know the type... helmet with a visor covering the forehead, talks a lot of crap, dangle dangle dangle, etc. But they are good. REALLY good. Now the best players on our team. This was how the league director justified moving us up, by giving us "more talent".So our first game in the new division - it gets ridiculous. Constant slashing, chippy play, body checking (all by them - the proof of that is on the penalties list of the score sheet!). Less than 5 minutes in, one of their guys was called for 2 and a 10. They had a constant parade to the box for the same crap over and over again. At one point they had 3 men in the box. Yes, it's good that the refs at least called some of it, but that kind of crap shouldn't happen in the first place. These guys didn't seem to get deterred by the penalties, I think it just made them madder and chippier.About midway through the 2nd period, I have one of their guys lay me out with what was probably one of the nicest looking hipchecks ever in the history of beer league hockey. Nice and low, ass out, and took out my knees. In a non-checking league, mind you. Think of it as a Tucker on Peca kind of hit.I got up, looked at the ref, and he shrugs his shoulders. I scream at him for a few seconds, and I can hear my teammates yelling at me to shut up (mostly because we were up 1-0 and they kept taking stupid penalties). But I'd had enough. My knee hurt like a mofo and I was just done. Skated to the bench, broke my mako, and walked to the dressing room. Got changed, got in my car, and left.Yep, I lost my cool. But I'm not okay with this kind of play in a beer league. I have a job to go to tomorrow, and I'm not interested in playing in a league that isn't safe. Nothing in this sport pisses me off like dirty play. This isn't the NHL, I'm not being paid millions to play this game. I have a real life outside the rink.Bottom line, I'm not comfortable playing in the division I now find myself in, if THAT'S how its going to be.So now the dilemma. I've already told them I'm not playing this season if its going to be like that. I actually haven't yet paid my league fee yet, and I'm seriously considering playing in a different league. The other league is actually MUCH closer to my new home (moved in May), and has what appears to be decent skill level groupings.The only things really keeping me back are:I'm gonna miss my teammates. They really took me in and taught me how to play and improve. I'm very grateful to them for that.I paid out of pocket for a team set of jerseys from Junkyard Athletic this past spring. As you guys know, those aren't exactly budget jerseys ;)I don't know what to do. Obviously the league director isn't going to move us back down to where we're supposed to be just because one player isn't happy. It just isn't fun anymore when you're worried about getting hurt out there.What do you guys think? Maybe switch to another league for a season and see what its like? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fatwabbit 93 Report post Posted October 15, 2012 You gotta ask yourself whether you'd be happy moving to another league/team. Would you enjoy it more? Would there be other douches who play a dirty game in that league as well? Is it just that one team that does that? Or every team in that league. I've got a similar situation where I'm in a team now that I'm comfortable with, playing with them for about two to three years. I think skill wise we are lacking, but we managed to get some good goals due to team work. However there are three o,r so teams that go all out to win at all costs... Hacks slashes hard hits in a non contact inline league...Last game we played against a team that personified a douche team. Besides that hacks and slashes, they also resorted to name calling and racist remarks (I'm Asian). Seriously uncalled for, but what can you say when their best player gets ejected for numerous penalties, and then he AND his parents threaten my team mate in front of everyone to hurt him and damage his car... All this for the grand prize at the end of the season of a plastic medal. This just makes me wish I was back in the previous city I lived in... There was a good league there, everyone took care of each other even though ou might have been on another team. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombies #77 10 Report post Posted October 15, 2012 It couldn't hurt to scout out other leagues, watch a couple of games, talk to the players and the league director to get a feel if it's right for you. As a beer league team manager/captain, I found myself doing this ever since the league best fit for my team converted from inline to ice, the competition ramped up quite considerably and the d-bags came out of the woodwork. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR97 2 Report post Posted October 15, 2012 Jersey money aside, cut your losses and move on. Yeah, you'll miss the good guy teamies, but you'll meet more. Plus, if the league/team are now douchey, maybe get the buds to join you next season. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SirJW 207 Report post Posted October 15, 2012 Plus why not try to sell the jerseys? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IPv6Freely 2097 Report post Posted October 15, 2012 You gotta ask yourself whether you'd be happy moving to another league/team. Would you enjoy it more? Would there be other douches who play a dirty game in that league as well?I'd certainly enjoy playing at the right level a lot more. There will always be douches in every league, imo.Is it just that one team that does that? Or every team in that league.To be honest, I'm not sure if its necessarily the players being douches, but more that that's "just how it is" in the higher league. (Though the parade to the penalty box tells me it's probably not normal). I think some guys like to play this kind of game, but that's definitely not me.It couldn't hurt to scout out other leagues, watch a couple of games, talk to the players and the league director to get a feel if it's right for you.Definitely. This Sunday I'll probably go watch some of the div5 and div6 games and see if I might fit in better. It may be too late to join the league, but the new place has sticktime and cheaper pickup so I might have to go that route for now.Plus, if the league/team are now douchey, maybe get the buds to join you next season.I can't see that happening, most of those guys live right near that rink. I'm the only sucker that drives 30 mins each way. I'm also not sure the other guys have any problem with being moved up a division; it very well could just be me.Plus why not try to sell the jerseys?They've already been given out to the players and the players have already paid for them. Sorry, I should have mentioned that I recouped about 1/3 of what I spent on them. Still about $1k out of pocket. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wrangler 157 Report post Posted October 15, 2012 If you can't fix the current situation --I think you've answered your own question. The decision criterion for me is whether my recreational activity makes me feel good. If I'm looking forward to it, and get in the car to drive there feeling good, with a smile on my face, that's good. If, as the time approaches to head for the rink, I start feeling a bit upset, and don't really feel like going, it's not for me. You sound like you really don't want to do this. Find a league that you enjoy playing in, or there's really no point. It would be nice to play with the guys you like, but it's no good if you're unhappy doing it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IPv6Freely 2097 Report post Posted October 15, 2012 Agreed, wrangler.Interestingly enough, we won 2-1 last night. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IPv6Freely 2097 Report post Posted October 15, 2012 I'd better clarify something in the original post. I had said:I paid out of pocket for a team set of jerseys from Junkyard Athletic this past spring. As you guys know, those aren't exactly budget jerseys ;)This was IN NO WAY a knock against Junkyard Athletic. All it was meant to say was that it wasn't a set of $17 screen printed crap that I had originally planned on buying. I went with a quality jersey by a respected company. I simply meant that with how much it cost me out of pocket, it sucks to have to change teams so quickly after I bought them. I love my JYA jerseys - I'm damn proud to wear them, and I've gotten compliments from every single new player that has joined our team. We're the best looking team in our league imo, across all divisions. I apologize if that bit came off the wrong way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wrangler 157 Report post Posted October 15, 2012 I'm not sure what prompted that post, but there was no such implication in your prior messages, even between the lines. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fatwabbit 93 Report post Posted October 16, 2012 Optimus, I dont think anyone took that as a negative as we all know that JYA does great work. You were just highlighting the effort and out of pocket costs that have made you consider staying/going.I echo wrangler's comments... whatever keeps you happy is the important thing. No sense getting unhappy about playing and then demotivating yourself.Btw, 30min drive isnt that far off... I used to take a bus at 6am, 1 and half hour journey so that I could play this awesome game at an outdoor rink (with 50% chance it would rain). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombies #77 10 Report post Posted October 16, 2012 Definitely. This Sunday I'll probably go watch some of the div5 and div6 games and see if I might fit in better. It may be too late to join the league, but the new place has sticktime and cheaper pickup so I might have to go that route for now.If it's too late to join the league, maybe they would let you sub? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IPv6Freely 2097 Report post Posted October 16, 2012 If it's too late to join the league, maybe they would let you sub?Possibly. I know one of the ways teams often get new players is somebody shows up with their gear and asks each dressing room "anyone need a body?" Almost always one of the teams will say yes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IPv6Freely 2097 Report post Posted October 17, 2012 Well, I got a response back from the hockey director of the other (new) league. It seems I have a game this sunday on my new team. They said I can play as a sub and if I want to stay, then I pay league fees. I sent my former captain an email explaining whats going on, why i left the game, etc. I told him that if they ever move down, to give me a ring because I'll be back in a heartbeat. Now, hopefully this team is also navy or I'm gonna have a lot of new equipment to buy :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wrangler 157 Report post Posted October 17, 2012 Hope it works out. I'm interested in what response, if any, the former team captain makes to your email. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fatwabbit 93 Report post Posted October 17, 2012 Ditto on what wrangler said.I hope that you go back to enjoying this game, and that you enjoy playing this weekend. Kudos to them for letting you give it a try before actually committing and paying any fees.New equipment is just a bonus... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IPv6Freely 2097 Report post Posted October 18, 2012 Ditto on what wrangler said.I hope that you go back to enjoying this game, and that you enjoy playing this weekend. Kudos to them for letting you give it a try before actually committing and paying any fees.New equipment is just a bonus... Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy it. Up until last game (our first in the new division). I've never had a "I dont want to go tonight" feeling. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fatwabbit 93 Report post Posted October 18, 2012 I've had the 'why the hell am I even AT this game' feeling before. Hacks and slashes I can take, even scrapping against another guy if necessary, but when three guys try to pummel you at the same time, and then getting racial taunts DURING the postgame handshake, it makes you think 'why bother'... Its uncalled for, but you can tell that behavior stems from their parents. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IPv6Freely 2097 Report post Posted October 18, 2012 I've had the 'why the hell am I even AT this game' feeling before. Hacks and slashes I can take, even scrapping against another guy if necessary, but when three guys try to pummel you at the same time, and then getting racial taunts DURING the postgame handshake, it makes you think 'why bother'... Its uncalled for, but you can tell that behavior stems from their parents.That's exactly where it was at for me. These guys were chippy, and most teams are in lower leagues if they're down, but these guys were over the top (the parade to the penalty box was enough evidence of it being excessive - especially the 2 and 10 for boarding). I was getting pissed off enough at what was going on on the bench watching our guys get hacked and slashed and ran over, but then to have somebody low bridge me without even going for the puck... and no call? Yea, I'm out. Screw this. I have a job to go to the next day. But as far as not wanting to go play? Never had that. I'm excited every week to go play. I HATE that putting us in the wrong division has de-railed that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MC6694 2 Report post Posted October 18, 2012 I agree with what everyone has said and glad to see you have made the decision to give the new league a try. Best of luck to you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IPv6Freely 2097 Report post Posted October 18, 2012 I just got an email from the old captain:Sorry on not getting back to you sooner. Call me to discuss if needed. Are you ok? Playing sunday? I think we will stay in 5a unless we lose all our games.I'm at that awkward point now where the emotion of getting drilled has kind of worn off, and I'm starting to debate in my head what I want to do. Do I give it another shot? Or do I just cut my losses and move on? I'm at that stage where I'm thinking "meh... I guess I'll just keep playing, it's easier, and I know these guys. Maybe its not always going to be like that, and its just that team".Afterall, this league didnt have a div 5a and div 5b when I started. Just a 5. And we used to be one of the top teams until we lost some players. I haven't heard back from the captain of the new team yet either... Sigh. This isn't as easy of a choice as I thought it was going to be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LoneStar77 25 Report post Posted October 18, 2012 Give your old team in the higher league another shot, at least one more game (if possible, you could skate for both teams before deciding if I have read this thread correctly). There is one team in the league where I play that I cannot stand playing against - they have 2-3 guys that are out there playing chippy & taking cheap slashes after every whistle (no other team in the league does this all the time every game like these guys), but I really like the guys on my team (even though we are 0-6 this league) so it is worth it for me to stick it out with them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raganblink 82 Report post Posted October 18, 2012 Every league has one or two teams (less then a majority) that are full of dbags you don't like playing against.I play on two nights, on Wednesdays, there is 1 team I kind of don't like playing against, but its not even that bad. On Sunday there is not one team I don't like playing. There are a couple teams on each night that are full of dbags, but that doesn't stop me from not playing against them. Just have to be smart about your decisions and keep a cool head. For instance on Sundays there is a player on two on literally every team that piss me off, but you just have to live & work through it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IPv6Freely 2097 Report post Posted October 18, 2012 I suppose it's worth playing one more game so I can determine if it's a divisional issue or just that one team full of douchebags. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stuie7 6 Report post Posted October 19, 2012 I'm going to say you've handled this reasonably well in that you've handled your problem yourself and not dragged your whole team into it, except for destroying your stick (that's totally unnecessary IMO).I think you'd be wise in giving your league a chance and don't make any hasty decisions. If it just doesn't work and you don't find the league appropriate for you any more, then don't play and find somewhere that suits YOU.To give you my perspective; I play in a beer league governed by the IIHF, making it full contact. In 7 years I can count the number of "stupid hits" and serious injuries on one hand. To be honest I'm a firm believer in that non-contact creates more problems than it solves, in that 'petty-penalties' like slashing and hooking are FAR more dangerous than a clean hit (and playing full-contact certainly reduces these happening, because you have no choice but to behave like a level-headed adult otherwise you will most likely be on the receiving end of a big hit if you annoy people) - but that's another discussion for another day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites