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NY Islanders Moving to Brooklyn in 2015

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Not necessarily happy they're moving out of Long Island proper, but ecstatic there is finally closure to this never ending saga and they're staying in the area.

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I think it could go both ways. Change the name for a fresh start or not change it for all the history that is there. Curious to see what happens though.

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I wouldn't expect a name change and I wouldn't expect the team to remain there for more than a couple years.

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Great move. Wang gave LI every chance to stay there. At least the CBA should be done by the time they start playing. Next is the Oilers to Seatle

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Now the question becomes, do they change the name of the team. You can hardly call them the Islanders if they're no longer on Long Island.

The Minneapolis Lakers didn't change their name when they moved to Los Angeles, I doubt that the Islanders will change theirs.

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Nor did the Jazz when they moved from New Orleans or the Rams from Cleveland to LA to St, Louis. but the Nordiques, Rockies and Jets all did, and the Pilots became the Brewers in baseball, while the Browns became the Ravens in football.

I'm sure there are others, and I suppose it comes down to ownership feeling they need a P.R. boost.

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Nor did the Jazz when they moved from New Orleans or the Rams from Cleveland to LA to St, Louis. but the Nordiques, Rockies and Jets all did, and the Pilots became the Brewers in baseball, while the Browns became the Ravens in football.

I'm sure there are others, and I suppose it comes down to ownership feeling they need a P.R. boost.

All those teams moved more than 25 miles from their former place though.

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Pretty happy about this move. It defiantly it bitter sweet for me. Being an Islanders fan for the better part of my life I will miss that dump of a colosseum, but I am glad they aren't moving far away from there. Hopefully the new faculty will bring good luck to the team in 2015.

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If what they said on the local news is true... 14 500 seats??? That'll be barely enough seats to pay Paul Dipietro's salary lol

There is talk to expand to 15,000+.

They'll be ok, metro NYC can support the the team.

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The official numbers on the Island were13,900 and change last year. 14,500 is an overall increase and they will likely have better access to corporate money for box seats in the new building.

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Maybe but didn't Bettman just impose a new rink to Edmonton with at least 18 000 seats? Isn't it also a condition for the possible "future" Nordiques in Quebec to have a new rink with at least 18 000 seats? So why approve a move to a rink with only 14 500 seats? Maybe the corporate money for box seats will suffice but with a team as mediocre as the Islanders, will the corporations be willing to spend big bucks on a mediocre product?

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Great move. Wang gave LI every chance to stay there. At least the CBA should be done by the time they start playing. Next is the Oilers to Seatle

I would hope so. :rolleyes:

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Maybe but didn't Bettman just impose a new rink to Edmonton with at least 18 000 seats? Isn't it also a condition for the possible "future" Nordiques in Quebec to have a new rink with at least 18 000 seats? So why approve a move to a rink with only 14 500 seats? Maybe the corporate money for box seats will suffice but with a team as mediocre as the Islanders, will the corporations be willing to spend big bucks on a mediocre product?

Though you're comparing a team that averaged almost 17,000 (sold out 100% of home games) last year to a team who averaged around 13,000/game (barely 81% of the rink full).

Bettman wants a larger rink in Edmonton because he knows they will fill it every night. The Islander's have a higher chance of selling out a smaller rink.

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18,000 was the requirement during the last round of expansion as well. This is a better solution than allowing the team to relocate as far as the NHL is concerned.

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It's just crazy that there will be three NHL franchises within 14 mi from each other (and 6 miles at its closest point.)

Brooklyn is still part of Long Island, so the name may not change.

While this is true, what is funny is that the Long Island on the Isles' logo only represents Nassau and Suffolk counties; Kings (Brooklyn) and Queens aren't part of the logo.

I used to live 2 mi from the NVMC. Still have family in the area.

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