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I like the "I didn't know..." defence. Yeah, like normal lotions make anything bigger. Well, Jergens has that effect for me but that's neither here nor there.

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Let the waterfall of players coming out begin.

Only the ones that testify with immunity and the threat of perjury charges if they lie. On a related note, Jim Rome had a great point yesterday; Jose Canseco - MVP, Giambi - MVP, Camminiti - MVP, Bonds - MVP. All used steroids. To say they don't help is BS.

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A lot of Olympians are getting ousted and I like how Sheff threw everyone under the bus. I'm sure Giambi will still earn some money out of this when he sues the bejesus out of people.

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Let the waterfall of players coming out begin.

Only the ones that testify with immunity and the threat of perjury charges if they lie. On a related note, Jim Rome had a great point yesterday; Jose Canseco - MVP, Giambi - MVP, Camminiti - MVP, Bonds - MVP. All used steroids. To say they don't help is BS.

Man, I totally didn't notice that. That's incredible...

I'm glad ball players are getting called on it now.

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So do we take back last years Yankee's win in the ALCS considering Giambi's role. Obviously not but a black eye for a self proclaimed "class organization."

I know this point may get a few feathers messed up but I welcome any intelligent response.

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Ponty I agree with you in that regard, but then do we take back any other achievements relating to steroids as well? Also, the Yankees can't be considered at fault for Giambi's personal actions, as he alone is accountable. Wouldn't that apply to anything Oakland won with him also?

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Dont get me wrong I KNOW that the Red Sox have probably had a few (e.g. the other Giambi).

No you can not and should not take back any team accomplishments.

If proven you should take back personal records - see Bonds, Sosa, and McGuire. Or as a drunken Kennedy once said "Sammy Sooser and Mike McGuire." B)

Black eye for baseball for sure.

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Roids aren't illegal in the MLB are they? It's just frowned upon. I remember way back when the Jays had Juan Guzman there was alot of stuff around him. The before and after pictures of when he stunk and when he was alright, were great, you could see all the acne. They even put up a checklist of signs.

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Roids in MLB, today, are the dirty secret.

The stuff kills people in the long run. Pretty good argument for its be legal in any format.

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So do we take back last years Yankee's win in the ALCS considering Giambi's role.  Obviously not but a black eye for a self proclaimed "class organization."

I know this point may get a few feathers messed up but I welcome any intelligent response.

No, Ponty, because it dates back to Oakland and teams do not do drug testing. There was a clause in his contract against steroids and the Yanks had to go on his word.

So bitter!

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You can't take back accomplishments like that, because MLB has the dumbest and wussiest drug policies. Frankly, the shame of all this will forever be a taint on Bonds' record, which is pretty good punishment in itself.

Personally the guy I always suspected was Bret Boone. The guy went from decent defensive player to powerhouse in one off-season.

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You can't take back accomplishments like that, because MLB has the dumbest and wussiest drug policies. Frankly, the shame of all this will forever be a taint on Bonds' record, which is pretty good punishment in itself.

Personally the guy I always suspected was Bret Boone. The guy went from decent defensive player to powerhouse in one off-season.

The NBA has some pretty lax drug policies as well. NFL for that matter, I mean it took a few times of Ricky Williams testing positive before he was to be scared into retirement.

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Roids aren't illegal in the MLB are they?

They're illegal in the US without a prescription. Baseball had no official policy until last year.

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worst of all bonds is blaming it on his trainer some how lol

I agree...and as much of a control freak as bonds is, there's no way he was injecting something he wasn't sure of what it was.

I'm a Giants fan, but I don't buy it. :(

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I never saw when he was small, but I always thought that body was built up by just a little bit more than straight Bowflex.

He was at most, 205lb when he played at Ohio State. He shot up (haha, get it!?) to 265. They said he can't run routes correctly because of how big he is.

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as one of our "older" members....it brings up a question for me as a parent. Do you encourage your children and help them develop in a sport where this is prevalent..or direct them eslewhere?

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I say you teach them the value of the sport, and that it's better to play the game as hard as yuo can and lose, then win by cheating.

As well, tell them how badly you can screw up your body with that crap. We just looked at hormones in my Animal Physio class, pretty interesting stuff.

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