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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Christmas Shopping

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Try some edible panties.

haha...now that makes me think of blue collar tv... larry the cable guy... "i bought my wife some of them edible britches... had to buy 6 pairs, cuz i ate three of em on the way home"

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what are you guys getting your wives and girlfriends? im thinking a few gift cards and christmas dinner.

I would stay away from gift cards sometimes they look at it like you were too lazy to think of something better.

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Got the misses some pants she wanted from Roots, will probably get the matching sweater. Maybe something to take on our trip out west for Reading week (not related to X-mas).

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Well trying to keep this one from falling horribly in the gutter ;)

I'm probably going to get the missus a robe from VS. We had some nice ones on our honeymoon and she's been dropping the hint since then. I may be pretty dense but I'm not that dense :D

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Yeah, I'm looking for help on this now because it's crunch-time and I have nothing. That and me putting "One Night of Pickle Tickling" on Monopoly cards isn't going to fly. Does anyone (maybe Vapor) know if Coach makes a laptop bag?

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I tried to tell her that all our people are told to use beat-up bags to deter theft, but she wasn't buying that. After seeing that price tag, I need to go see a street vendor for a nice knock-off, or sell my dog.

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