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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Helmets, protection claims, price points...

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I have yet to REALLY see any information that I proves that some of these more expensive helmets offer more protection than the mid-dual density VN helmets. All I have seen is heresay and hypothesis as to what works best. IMO read up and try some helmets on, if you believe the claims AND IT FITS buy the helmet, price shouldn't be the driving factor...especially if you're someone with $150+ sticks(pet peeve; $200 stick, $40 helmet).

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I bought a re-akt pretty much right when they came out. Not because of the fancy tech with the whole floating inner piece, but simply because it was the first bucket I've ever worn that was actually comfortable. Usually have pressure points SOMEWHERE with other helmets. The next best thing I could find was the CCM V10, but I had pressure points on the back of my head. So $239 or whatever it is with the cage was a really easy decision for me. And even then, the CCM V10 isnt exactly a budget helmet - but when it comes to protecting your skull, the money is the least of the considerations.

The jock was the other thing I refused to go cheap on. I've been through a few iterations, but the current bauer base layer stuff is by far the best jock short I've ever seen (though I hate the XO cup it comes with and use my shock doctor one instead - even better).

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I bought a re-akt pretty much right when they came out. Not because of the fancy tech with the whole floating inner piece, but simply because it was the first bucket I've ever worn that was actually comfortable. Usually have pressure points SOMEWHERE with other helmets. The next best thing I could find was the CCM V10, but I had pressure points on the back of my head. So $239 or whatever it is with the cage was a really easy decision for me. And even then, the CCM V10 isnt exactly a budget helmet - but when it comes to protecting your skull, the money is the least of the considerations.

I had a chance to try on various helmets over the past few days. For me, comfort was by far the most noticeable attribute with the RE-AKT. I'll agree with there.

I was really debating buying that or the 5100 and ended up going with a 5100. Had a chance to use it in a game, fit is nice -- a bit bulkier than i'm used to in the 4500. I already feel like it absorbs and disperses impacts better.

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I have a history of concussions, my last one was bad...like tired for several weeks bad. I bought the Cascade M11 about a year ago and it's done the job. I've taken a bunch of hits, but two weird no-look types where my head was rocked pretty good, and no ill effects. I can't speak to the specifics in terms of science, but I think it's a good helmet.

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I can't remember the name of the company but vick had a compression skull cap made that a few guys are wearing and now I beleive they are expanding to an actual helmet design. Seemed Like a very serious/legit price of equipment.

I remember hearing about something like this as well. Wish I could remember the name...sounded like they were doing great things to avoid rotational acceleration to reduce concussions.

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My old man 2 cents worth. #1 keep your head up. Nothing will help you without that. #2 fit; for me the Bauer 7500 fits perfectly. #3 cage / viser you are comfortable with #4 Been said a zillion times but head protection is not the place to save$

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I've learned over the years you cannot put a price on comfort!!!! So that being said, spend as much as you can on the most comfortable and protective helmet you can find.....because you only have one brain, so protect it and be comfortable at the same time!!! Hockey is a fast game and no one expects to get hurt, but sometimes s#!t happens. A good helmet could save a lifetime of headaches!!!! Literally!!!!! I ended up with an RBK 11, I know its big and bulky, but protective. In the end, its not the bulky helmet that makes me miss the net, its my lack of skills!!!! :biggrin: Good luck with whatever helmet you get!!!

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