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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best method to repair cut/tear on hockey pants

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I recently got a decent sized cut from a skate on the thigh pad of my hockey pants and it seems to gradually be getting larger. I was wondering what the best method would be to repair the skate cut? Patch it or sew it up?


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Can you sew the nylon, though? I would think the needle punctures would just keep ripping and make the whole thing worse.

Barring Quintin's treat yourself option, try a local camping equipment repair shop or, if you don't mind the aesthetics, duct tape.

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My wife used a heavy nylon patch on mine, sewed the edges, and sewed the rip through the patch, with a zigzag stitch, and it held up.

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If you want a really well done repair that'll last, and you're wearing an easy color of pant to match (black/navy) cut an iron patch to fit (try finding 'em at a craft store), close the tear, iron on, and sew through both layers. The patch should keep the stitches from tearing across and the adhesive will further aid in the wound's closure.

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Try using waxed thread or dental floss. They're heavier-duty and more durable.

I"ve been using waxed dental floss with success for years!

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I just repaired my pants today that ripped in the flexible area. I took some duct tape and cut out a patch to cover the hole. Taped it from both sides. Then I got some black hockey tape and covered it over the duct tape (to strengthen it even more). You can barely see it and it's really durable.

I'm a male who doesn't know how to sew. If I can't fix something with WD-40 or Duct Tape, it'll probably be trashed and bought again.

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It depends on the size and location of the tear, but for something smaller I'll typically only sew, and for something larger I'll patch and sew.

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