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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tuuk Lightspeed 2 runner stuck

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I’m trying to take my LS3 steel out of my TotalOne NXG skates with light speed 2 holders and I’m having difficulty with the second skate. I’ve removed the nut in the holder and I can’t pull the runner out. I’ve also tried to loosen the steel by hitting the back of the boot against the carpeted floor (where the back of the heel/Achilles tendon would be). Anyone have a trick for remedying this issue? Thanks.

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What is the best option for bolts that wont loosen and or seem striped?

  • WD-40 (let it soak for about 5 mins) if rust seems to be an issue.

Clamp the holder in a padded bench vice around the area where the bolt enters the runner (and is likely spinning) - try slowly loosening from this position. Similar to using vice grips as OTG28 suggested.

If all else fails, as OTG28 suggested, remove the holder and cut/snap the bolt.

Always remember to replace the hardware afterwards! Don't put the same stripped h/w back on.

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Another method is to take needle-nose pliers and hold the bolt through the bottom of the holder. That way you aren't deforming the holder and expanding the channel.

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  • WD-40 (let it soak for about 5 mins) if rust seems to be an issue.
  • Clamp the holder in a padded bench vice around the area where the bolt enters the runner (and is likely spinning) - try slowly loosening from this position. Similar to using vice grips as OTG28 suggested.
  • If all else fails, as OTG28 suggested, remove the holder and cut/snap the bolt.
  • Always remember to replace the hardware afterwards! Don't put the same stripped h/w back on.

Thanks for the back up however I wouldnt use WD40 on the holder as it can melt or weaken the plastic.

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Thanks for the back up however I wouldnt use WD40 on the holder as it can melt or weaken the plastic.

Interesting point. I remember reading a while back that WD40 was safe to use on "almost" all surfaces like rubber, metal, wood, paint and plastic. I've only used it rarely and luckily haven't had issues.

I'll have to give heat a try - makes sense though. Thanks, JR.

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Another method is to take needle-nose pliers and hold the bolt through the bottom of the holder. That way you aren't deforming the holder and expanding the channel.

That's what I've always done.

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