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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shoulder pads

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Looking for shoulder pads that have bigger Caps to go along with mobility. I know everyone is looking at low profile shoulder pads, but I am on the small size and the perception of size wouldn't hurt. Looking at the Reebok 11k and the Vapor apx. Suggestions.

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If you can find them, a pair of Easton ST16's are great. Built like a tank, and right between low profile and bulky. Only thing I didn't like was the obnoxious spine protection.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="OptimusReim" data-cid="950116" data-time="1357514227"><p>

Love anything ccm</p></blockquote>

I would start with CCM as well.

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Can't speak to their mobility yet, but the new Bauer Nexus have huge caps. I'm a small guy too and they made me look huge. They're a bit on the bulky side, but when trying them on in the store they didn't feel that different than any of the known "mobile" models you can buy. The fit is very comfortable too...feels like you're getting a hug from it.

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There are alot of "best shoulder pads" threads on MSH so you can do a search. We ususally get guys on the forum asking for low profile. There are so many good pads on the market. Take a look at the RBK 11K and 9K KFS pads. Nice big caps. Very mobile.

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The Projekts have smaller caps. In addition to the Nexus, Reebok/CCM and ST suggestions, I would see if I can find some EQ50s. The caps are large, but not in the dimensions one would automatically think of.

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It seems like every manufacturer is making really good shoulder pads right now. Go try on a bunch and see what gives you the fit and feel you need,

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