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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm sure there are lots of topics on visors, but I'm looking at either picking up a Bauer hdo pro (with or without clips) or an Oakley pro straight (vr 903). Does anyone have any good or bad comments on either of the 2 visors. Thanks

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Been using the Oakley 903 for about 3 years now playing 3/4 times a week. No complaints at all, has held up awesome, anti-fog coating still works great and I love the protection it provides. I also happen to think it's the best looking visor on the market, so you know, that helps haha.

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ive owned many oakleys, bauers, and a hejduk... I am currently using the bauer hdo clips and i LOVE It.. it is as clear as any visor i have owned, and has the ant scratch/fog properties as well. The good thing about the hdo clips is that the 2 packs are only 69 CDN. You can actually buy the clips separately for 10 bucks which makes 2 visors and the clips for 79 bucks, rather than buying the single visor with clip for 99.

I also hear good things about the tron visors which are diry cheap.

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I've been using an Oakley pro straight for about 3 years now. No complaints.

Agree with Sniper on Tron visors. Heard nothing but good things and very cheap in cost. When I need another visor I'll be going that route.

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Yeah I made the switch from Oakley to Tron a few months ago. Never going back especially when I go through visors pretty quick (as soon as they're scratched up). For one Oakley you can get like 3 Trons.

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The new Bauer HDO Pro Clip visors are the best bang for your back, i came from a Oakley Visor which kept on fogging no matter what i did, believe it or not the Bauer has been much better.

You can get the 2 pack of visors and buy the clips separately.

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One more vote for the new Bauer HDO visors. I used Oakley before, but these new Bauer ones seem much more scratch and fog resistant.

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another +1 for the HDO, I have a nephew who is learning to skate and the rinks around my house are starting to require helmets for adults as well at parent/ tot skates, I really like the option being able to clip and unclip the visor depending on the situation

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ive owned many oakleys, bauers, and a hejduk... I am currently using the bauer hdo clips and i LOVE It.. it is as clear as any visor i have owned, and has the ant scratch/fog properties as well. The good thing about the hdo clips is that the 2 packs are only 69 CDN. You can actually buy the clips separately for 10 bucks which makes 2 visors and the clips for 79 bucks, rather than buying the single visor with clip for 99.

I also hear good things about the tron visors which are diry cheap.

Where can you buy the side clips?

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ive had all of the visor mentioned and the tron was probably my favorite. i found it performed as well as the other top of the lines as far as fogging and not scratching. and for the price it made it easier since i use two helmets one for inline and one for ice

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