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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XX or Response +?

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I've used the Xn10 and XX. Unfortunately not the R+, but I think the R+ is a better buy. The XX wasn't anything special, I really liked the Pre-preg blade.

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I was lucky enough to use both. Today I got a chance to try out my friends Vapor XX out and I have to the balance is more towards the blade. The stick was lighter but the balance on the Response+ was much better. I liked the feel of the Vapor XX in my hands(especially the stick um grip). The shots I took with the Vapor were amazing, I hardly used any effort and they would fly. I also felt that my shots were more accurate with the Vapor than with my Response+, its probably a mental I wish I could've tried the stick out for a longer period of time. If you were to choose between the two I would say go with the Vapor XX, but only go with it if it has your flex and curve. I was lucky enough to try the Vapor XX with my flex and curve. I have to say either way it is a win, win situation. Both sticks are great. Good luck.

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I love my XX's. There is a difference in a lot of thing tho...first of all the flexes are different (XX tend to be whippier than it says, i'd say my 87's are like 80) there is different curves...and the shaft shape is very different the Response + is box shaped where as the XX has rounder edges. Also the XX has grip(usually).. but I would definately go XX.

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Is it true the XXX is just a Tru1?

From what I have heard yes. Also I hear that it is double concaved. I can see myself picking one up in a SR. 77 flex in a PM9.

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I used the XX and didn't like it at all. I was using the Bauer 6000 woodies for a while then went to a XX to stick with the lindros curve, and the feel was terrible and the stick wasn't firing shots as hard as I felt I could with the 6000's. I thought I'd learn to shoot with it but that never happened because after about a week, I broke the shaft on a one timer. I haven't used a R+, but I've heard good things, and only experienced bad with the XX.

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go with the response plus. ive used responses for a while. i still have on from a year ago that still in decent shape. i just think they are a very durable stick and would last longer than the XX. so IMO, get a response +

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Is it true the XXX is just a Tru1?

From what I have heard yes. Also I hear that it is double concaved. I can see myself picking one up in a SR. 77 flex in a PM9.

Might as well just get a 300 flex Fedorov True 1. It'll be a lot cheaper, and the only thing different is the double concave.

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I have a vapor XX and I love it. Never used an R+, but if you've used regular Synergy's and Si-cores, I like the XX better than both of those. I say can't go wrong with an XX, shoots good and mines lasted since beginning of season and its still goin strong. Grip is awesome. I have a review in the section.

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Eh, the XXX is a traditional handle shape and the blade is nothing like the true one. It doesn't have that checkerboard weave to it and feels much stiffer.

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Eh, the XXX is a traditional handle shape and the blade is nothing like the true one. It doesn't have that checkerboard weave to it and feels much stiffer.

It probably is the same blade but looks different. Was the checkerboard really the weave or did it just look like that? I'll have to see tomorrow when mine comes.

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Is it true the XXX is just a Tru1?

From what I have heard yes. Also I hear that it is double concaved. I can see myself picking one up in a SR. 77 flex in a PM9.

Might as well just get a 300 flex Fedorov True 1. It'll be a lot cheaper, and the only thing different is the double concave.

The lie on the Inno Federov is a little different from what im used to and I tried the Inno 300 flex and didnt like it as much, It could of been the shaft shape. I'll probably just wait for some kid to but one and then use it.

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