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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior DT2 VS. Top of the line

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So, i usually buy the top of the line sticks but apperantly the Gionta curve will only be sold in the lower model sticks due to unpopularity, which baffles me considering people like toe curves. Anyhow, my question is this, because i never have used the lower model sticks and my LHS doesnt carry the DT2, how much different or off is it from top of the line DT1? Is it that much heavier? what would you compare it too? Thanks

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From comparing the spec lists between DT1 and 2, it looks like the difference is just fused (DT2) versus "true-1" (DT1) construction.

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From comparing the spec lists between DT1 and 2, it looks like the difference is just fused (DT2) versus "true-1" (DT1) construction.

That's all it is.

Same materials, both top-end, just different construction which gives the sticks two different feels.

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dt2 was meant for bigger players that put more torque on their sticks if i recall miseajeau saying. thats the thought process behind the fused construction versus 1 piece construction; more torque resistance.

other than that they are basically the same stick. slightly different kick point.

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dt2 was meant for bigger players that put more torque on their sticks if i recall miseajeau saying. thats the thought process behind the fused construction versus 1 piece construction; more torque resistance.

other than that they are basically the same stick. slightly different kick point.

+1 straight from the warrior reps mouth.

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