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The NHL's biggest pylons (my bad)

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The winner of the +/- award, Marek Malik. :P He's a good 6th defenceman but those stats from last season really mislead you to think how good he is. His skating isn't very good, he hardly uses his size at all and gets caught out of position. But no.. he's not a pylon or a useless player.

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Most useless player eh...I would have to say Hatcher. Just messes up way to much. He's a huge liability on the ice.

*note* I'm only speaking for on-ice participation. I dunno what Hatch is like off ice.

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Therien for Philly...he must own some sort of record for giveaways. Brashear has actually improved as a player in the last 18 months...

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Before this season, Hatcher wouldn't even be mentioned as a pylon. Keep in mind he messed his knee up pretty badly, and he never really recovered this year.

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Therien for Philly...he must own some sort of record for giveaways. Brashear has actually improved as a player in the last 18 months...

and still isn't more than a fourth line fighter.

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I say Belak. Like how was that guy a first round draft pick? I wonder how he played before the show (in junior/ncaa)

It's funny you mention that - I saw Belak playing hockey for Coventry (in the UK) against my team (Fife) the other week. He might not have been trying or whatever, but he still looked shaky!

Got royally undressed by >This Guy< for our first goal as well! :lol:

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im gonna add a goalie to this list-patrick lalime, he ruins everything

Man, I can't stand all the Ottawa fans that blame Lalime for everything. Remember that year that the Sens went down in the Eastern final? Guess who carried them there...that's right, Lalime. Blame the post season breakdowns on who it really belongs to - the underachieving forwards. I for one would love to have Lalime on my team - I still think he's a top notch goalie.

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im gonna add a goalie to this list-patrick lalime, he ruins everything

Man, I can't stand all the Ottawa fans that blame Lalime for everything. Remember that year that the Sens went down in the Eastern final? Guess who carried them there...that's right, Lalime. Blame the post season breakdowns on who it really belongs to - the underachieving forwards. I for one would love to have Lalime on my team - I still think he's a top notch goalie.

Actually, I would blame it on the coaching system that was very passive and limited their own scoring opportunities. With that much young talent, they should have been far more aggressive. As a coach you should play to the strenght of your team, not force a team to play a style that doesn't suit them.

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Exactly, had the Sens tried to play a style like won Tampa Bay the cup they would have done a lot better.

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I agree, but that isn't a reason to place the blame on Lalime. I think he did great for the Sens.

I'm agreeing with you. Lalime didn't have the offensive support he should have had. The problem is, you can't blame the forwards as they were doing what they were told to do.

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I agree, but that isn't a reason to place the blame on Lalime.  I think he did great for the Sens.

I'm agreeing with you. Lalime didn't have the offensive support he should have had. The problem is, you can't blame the forwards as they were doing what they were told to do.

Mmmm...it's not like they didn't have their fair share of chances...the lack of offensive output I think can be attributed to the forwards...at least a significant portion of it...

But then...if they weren't busy playing keepaway, shouldn't they have been busy providing defensive support? It boggles my mind how the most talented and balanced team in the league hasn't won the past 3 cups...

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Purinton has to be up on the list. Especially after his first game in the ECHL doing this:

I really wanted to see things work out with Dale, but apparently, he has a learning curve of a child.

I agree 100%. When I read the title of this thread, his name jumped right into my head. I don't know why Sather likes him. He never throws a good pass. The only move he has is the flip the puck out of the zone play. He truly blows.

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Possibly, but there was a time when Jersey was up their too, but always changed it in important games. They seem to be a team which hammers the weaker teams and plays a shutdown system vs. 80% of the league.

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I just looked at his stats. I stand corrected.

When you talk Sundin, its even much more then stats. The leadership, amazing faceoff ability, etc.

And talking pylons here. Some of these names mentioned are pretty damn good players and nothing like "on ice pylons," lol.

He's also really valuble because he doesnt get alot of injuries. What good is a star player if he is always hurt? I agree that Sundin is UNDER-rated. Outside of Toronto, he doesnt get as much credit as he deserves.

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