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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is this thing really as great as it sounds on their website? http://www.sweet-stick.com It's cheap and i've got nothing to lose by trying it out, but then again I don't want to mess up my steel.

I never use any stones or anything in between sharpenings, should I start and if so should I buy the Sweet-Stick or is there something else that is better?

Also, what's the best technique to use when using just a standard stone, just gliding the stone up and down each side of the blade?


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In that thread, JR recommends the Miraclestone and says the Sweet-Stick doesn't work, but on http://www.miraclestone.com it says "The Miraclestone and Sweet-Stick together will provide a total custom sharpen."

If the Miraclestone does everything the Sweet-Stick does and more, why does Miraclestone recommend using a Sweet-Stick when they don't even make them? Can JR or someone else please clarify this?

Also, on Miraclestones website they sell something called the CrossXcut which appears to do the exact same thing that the Sweet-Stick does. http://www.miraclestone.com/crossxcut.html


EDIT: Looks like I can get a CrossXCut and a Miraclestone combined for less than the price of a Sweet-Stick.

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we have two of them here, and they work like a charm. a good solid swipe on each blade produces a nice sharp edge. it doesn't do so much at taking out nicks, but it can turn a dull blade sharp

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I think JR's problem with the sweet-stick is that it changes the angles of the edges, which would make the optimal angle of the blade to the ice different. With a shallow hollow this could lead to problems, but with a deeper hollow it could give you a better edge I suppose. The only guy I know here that uses one loves it, but he has a very deep cut - about 1/4". He's one of the better players here (on your National team), but bear in mind that the overall standard here in NZ is a lot lower than in North America.

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Edges are supposed to be square, not concave. It's as simple as that.

Doesn't the CrossXcut made by Miraclestone do the same thing though?

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When I used the sweet stick I made one skate incredibly sharp and I screwed up the other one. I was not paying attention and must of been applying uneven pressure because I ruined the outside edge of my blade. Every time I needed to skate on that edge my skate just slid away.

It seems to work really well but you must be careful when you use it. I have never had problems with a stone so I'm going to stick with that.

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a guy on my team has one and says it works like a charms i want to get 1


They're always after me lucky charms. :ph34r:

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