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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new warrior elbow pads

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Got to try on the AX1, and AX2. May go with the AX2 but still want to try on the AX3. They are really comfortable and lock your elbow in real well. Most elbow pads I try on I'm a medium and with these I could go with a small or medium. Should you go smaller or bigger or just which ever feels better?

Also, with these the bicep part of the pad is real loose. is this so your shoulder pads can be tucked down in there? that's the only thing I['m not that crazy about.

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I also tried on the AX1 today in a size medium. I don't have small arms and the bicep strap was loose as well. I prefer to be able to tighten it up more and have it snug. The rest of the pad felt great, alittle stiff in mobility but I haven't tried new elbow pads on in a long time so they probably just need to be broken in.

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yeah, i don't have small arms either. i think i read that the projekt elbow pads were like that too so the shoulder pad can slide inside the elbow pad. waiting to hear from somebody who knows

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I have the 2012 Blue and Grey Projekts and had the 2010 white Projekts and the bicep guards were loose on both of those - it's an intentional design so that the shoulder pad can slide inside the guard without any interference. My shoulder pads and bicep guards don't actually overlap, but I personally prefer the feel of the loose bicep guard - I find it more comfortable and mobile. It was one of the deciding factors when I was deciding between the 2012 Projekts and the CCM U+ CL pads - both were light and very mobile, but I found the bicep guard on the Projekts to be a little more comfortable. If you prefer a tighter bicep guard then you may want to consider the CCM U+ CL pads as they're light and mobile, but have a tighter bicep guard.

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I've been waiting for these for awhile now, was sold the second I heard they were similar to jofas (2013 product catalogue . Ive got a pair of RBK 7K pros but my elbow doesnt lock in that well and thats my only problem. i love how protective the 7Ks are, have gone through some vicious two handers on my forearm and the slash guard has done its job perfectly so I'm hoping the AX1 will offer the same protection plus the added benefits of a new flashy liner and the fancy strapping system.

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The strapping system on the ax1 and ax2 is awesome. My elbow feels nice and locked in also. I think the ax3 will be enough protection for me so hopefully the straps are the same there.

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Was kind of hoping somebody in the know would confirm if the ax3 had the same strapping system as the ax2 and if the bicep strap is loose on those as well

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  On 5/8/2013 at 2:08 AM, mjpisat said:

Was kind of hoping somebody in the know would confirm if the ax3 had the same strapping system as the ax2 and if the bicep strap is loose on those as well

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from looking at the pics warrior just put up on their website, looks like the strapping of the ax2 and ax3 are the same or very close. However, the bicep guard for the ax3 is not loose and looks like it wraps around for a tight fit and the ax2 is loose, similar to the ax1.

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Had 4 skates so far in the AX1 elbows (Playing Adult "A" league) and coming from 10yr old pair of Jofa 8035's that I was taping onto my arms.

I'm a smaller player, went with the Intermediate L/XL's and they lock my elbow in great. No slipping or movement. I have basic shoulders which don't reach the bicep guard so I just added some more velcro to the strap and pad to be able to make it tighter.

The elbow lock is amazing, Protection is probably more than I need and just from the looks alone I thought they were going to be bulky/restrictive but after my first shift I didn't even notice them. Still have all the range of motion that I had before, no interference with my gloves at all and they are very light feeling.

Would recommend these for sure

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With all the new materials that companies are using I'm curious if these or if there are any other model elbow pads that can be heat molded for a better fit?

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  On 5/9/2013 at 4:03 PM, A2rhino said:

With all the new materials that companies are using I'm curious if these or if there are any other model elbow pads that can be heat molded for a better fit?

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Great point. I think another question would be as to when they would start educating people as to such possibilities. Currently, I think that there are a few designs that could definitely warrant a go in a skate oven. The materials would need to be certain types of course. The U+CL comes to mind, especially the forearm piece. I don't find Poron, Vent Armor or the VN Hexsorb (or VN in general) to be particularly mouldable, so that leaves your traditional poly (plastic) insert backed with foams. The effects of a bake would and should result in a better fit in the elbow cradle and shape of the forearm predominantly. You could have a shallow, foam-backed cradle transform into a deeper and more anatomical pocket for example.

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I was actually thinking of testing this out in an oven. I would put the pads in a large ceramic or glass pie plate for 10 minutes or so and bake them at a fairly low temp. Thoughts or suggestions?

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Try it! I'm always for the convection oven though' circulates the heat for evenly. Heck, you could forgo the oven altogether to be safe and use a heat gun. That way, you won't heat parts you don't want.

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Tried the reebok 20k today. Need to do a side by side to see which I'll get. I think I may actually like the loose bicep. My previous shoulder pads didn't have adjustable bicep guards but I got new reebok 14k's today.

If u can go with a small or medium do people usually go bigger or smaller? I have cheap Easton's how do I tell which fits better between small/med?

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  On 5/9/2013 at 11:19 PM, AIREAYE said:

Try it! I'm always for the convection oven though' circulates the heat for evenly. Heck, you could forgo the oven altogether to be safe and use a heat gun. That way, you won't heat parts you don't want.

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Good idea. I may just do try that.

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  On 5/10/2013 at 12:22 AM, mjpisat said:

Tried the reebok 20k today. Need to do a side by side to see which I'll get. I think I may actually like the loose bicep. My previous shoulder pads didn't have adjustable bicep guards but I got new reebok 14k's today.

If u can go with a small or medium do people usually go bigger or smaller? I have cheap Easton's how do I tell which fits better between small/med?

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If you can, try the elbow pads on with your gloves and shoulder pads (or the same model and size if the store has them in stock). You want to minimize the gaps in protection, but you also don't want to have them too long so they're restricting your movement.

With that said, you also want to make sure the elbow pads are secure on your arm and won't shift around and are comfortable. I'd put a small on one arm and a medium on the other - try to move each with your hand to see if they're secure and won't shift. Also flex and move your arm around to compare the comfort and mobility. If the fit of both is secure and they're equally comfortable and mobile then it'll come down to minimizing the gaps in protection without hindering movement. If of course the small pad is too tight and less mobile or the medium pad is loose and easily dislodged then you'll likely make the decision based on that.

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Just picked up a pair of ax2's once I get a skate in ill post an update on them.

Just came in today. The fit is great, solid elbow lock. Strapping system works well. They seem like they'll offer great protection...plus they look real good too. Should get a skate in friday for a more thorough reviw but so far I thinkn I'm going to be very pleased.

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The ones this guy tries in the video are sized Medium and they look huge IMO. I was thinking of going for mediums but being 5'10 I think im better off with smalls, although I really just have to try them on to see if they fit right with 13" franchises and CL shoulders. As comparison, I'd say a medium in the AX1 is similar to the 7k PRO size 5.

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  On 6/13/2013 at 7:45 AM, Amiroo39 said:


The ones this guy tries in the video are sized Medium and they look huge IMO. I was thinking of going for mediums but being 5'10 I think im better off with smalls, although I really just have to try them on to see if they fit right with 13" franchises and CL shoulders. As comparison, I'd say a medium in the AX1 is similar to the 7k PRO size 5.

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I'm 5'9 and I've tried on smalls and mediums. Unless you have toothpick sized arms, smalls won't fit you

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I picked up a pair of these (AX1) last week. I will be giving a review on them in a couple months. I can say that they fit me as well as my Jofa 9144 Pro's and even better in some places. I went with a large and for the first time in my life I dont have an elbow pad pinching my tricep.

Still curious about possibly heat molding pads such as these to fit that much better.

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Do they offer better mobility than the Jofa/Reebok pro models?

I hate Reebok (both pro and retail) elbows, they restrict movement way too much. Shooting is very awkward with the pads fighting back when you straighten your arm.

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