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P92 vs P14 vs P12?

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Okay everyone, i just put in an order for 2 X4.0 sticks. One is a P14,the other is a P106. I'll do a comparison on ice against my P92 custom APX and report back.

Anyone have comparison pics of P12 vs P14 yet? I'm still considering if P12 may be the ultimate curve for me, and need to see some pictures to tell for sure!

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Okay everyone, i just put in an order for 2 X4.0 sticks. One is a P14,the other is a P106. I'll do a comparison on ice against my P92 custom APX and report back.

Anyone have comparison pics of P12 vs P14 yet? I'm still considering if P12 may be the ultimate curve for me, and need to see some pictures to tell for sure!

Hey Leon, any updates on this?

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hey everyone, sorry for the long delay in updating, but i've tried out the p14 and p106 in some games now, and have broken the p14 (that's how much i used it!).

I have since ordered up 2 p12s from mybauer, will report back in the new year when the season restarts!

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Having used a P92 all my life, I switched to a P14 about a year ago and I must say it has taken me a bit longer to get used to it. But when things all fall in line, my shots come off the P14 like rockets, much harder and accurate than my P92... FWIW, my next stick will be a P14, or an E36...

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I switched to a P14 about a month ago from a P92L for the better part of the past year. I have to concur that I have gotten some of the hardest and heaviest shots off with the P14 however sometimes I've found that since it was so easy to get loft from P92, I have to focus a bit more on a higher follow through with the P14. It does however allow me to keep harder passes down and keep saucer passes from rising too far off the ice. Backhands are a lot better with the P14 as well. I do wish the P14 blade was a bit wider as it really narrows down toward the toe compared to the P92.

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I used a P88 for a few years and loved that pattern except for the fact that I would struggle to go high sometimes in tight.

I tried switching to a P92 and used that pattern exclusively for a while but found that the lie feels higher because of the rocker so I tend to lose pucks more when handling but found that I got a good shot with it. I had a chance to get a lie 5 P92 stick and found it to be great pattern except it's near impossible for me to find them anywhere.

I've recently bought a P14 (int.) stick to try because they seem more common than a lie 5 p92. I'm not sure if it's because the stick is intermediate, but is the blade profile normally shorter and thinner than a p88 blade, which i find pretty thin already? I like that it plays lower than a standard P92 and that it has a similar loft, but are there advantages to have a smaller blade? Would a p14 be a good balance between a p88 and a p92 lie 5?

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I made that exact evolution in curves, P88 to P92L to P14. P14 has less of an open face than P92 (5 or 6) so you'll still have to really turn your hands over to get quick loft on shots. For me it's a better shooters curve than the P88 and I like how it it keeps pucks lower when you need to put some sauce on your passes. I've also found the P14 to be much better for backhands.

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Played another game tonight with the P14 and I'm slowly liking it more. I think I just need to give myself time to adjust. I also overlapped the blades and the size difference wasn't as different as I originally remembered. The blades look pretty similar aside from the P92's fatter toe. I think I may just have to stick with this pattern.

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I just switched a few weeks ago to a p14 (x90) from a p92 (APX LE). My passing/receiving and puck control improved immediatly. I seem to have lost some shot power while stationary or moving slowly but wristers in full stride are just flying off the blade.

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Guys, finally played my first game with the P12. I think it may be the perfect curve for me. Saucer passes stayed flat without effort (with the P92 i had to really focus on rolling the wrists over to keep them from going on edge) and less shots missed high than with the p92!even backhands were impressive, a quick flick of the wrists sent a perfect saucer cross ice. No noticeable loss of shot power or accuracy with the reduced curve, but I'll continue to report back as i get more ice time.

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I basically am gonna reiterate the same thing everyone says. It does feel like a mix between the kane and backstrom, better backhands. lower sauce etc.

Coming from a P92, did anyone notice a difference in length. Did you cut the sticks the same or was the P14 cut longer or shorter? Thanks

I cut my NXG(p14) to the height of my APX(p92) and wound up putting a 2.5 inch plug back onto my NXG because it just wasnt working for me even though the shorter apx worked for me. I actually am happy with this as I have more reach to do dekes/fight for loose pucks/poke checks etc. especially since I'm 5'6, I can use a little help with a longer stick.

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