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Bag or backpack?

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I'm just getting back into playing inline after way too many years off (no ice close enough) and was hoping to get opinions on what you guys are using... Normal equipment bags or the backpack style? Thanks for the help.

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I bough a gear brand backpack years ago for $30 and I wish I bought 2. Skate bags on the sides. Helmet glove jersey storage on top. Pants elbows shins jock in the bottom back. Has a pouch in front for accessories.

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Backpack for sure. I have been using them for a long time. Our backpacks are amazing and built to last. We actually build them at a golf bag factory, and not at hockey bag manufacturer. Better fabric and better zippers.

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Justin, I actually just picked up an alkali backpack last week. I agree I am very impressed with the construction and quality of materials. Looks like something fill have for a long time. Same for the CA7's I got as well. I've just got to find a place to get them baked... Thanks everyone for the replies.

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Come on, this isn't fair....just when I thought no more gear to purchase till ice season starts you guys come up and show me this alkali beauty...

@TeamHonda401: How would you rate the size? I always had a way smaller bag for inline than ice, no way my ice stuff would fit in the inline bags. Can you fit your entire ice equipment plus some spare stuff (towels, bag with screws, laces, etc) in there?

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I've never tried to fi full ice equipment since I don't have an ice rink nearby, but I'm sure it would fit everything easily. I've got all my inline gear and have plenty of room left over.

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Come on, this isn't fair....just when I thought no more gear to purchase till ice season starts you guys come up and show me this alkali beauty...

@TeamHonda401: How would you rate the size? I always had a way smaller bag for inline than ice, no way my ice stuff would fit in the inline bags. Can you fit your entire ice equipment plus some spare stuff

(towels, bag with screws, laces, etc) in there?

It is tough but I can get my gear in there. I have two piece pants which make it possible but if I had regular ice pants it wouldn't work. I have to take my pants apart and lay them in the bottom. My bag with my undergarments and my accessory bag fit in my helmet nicely. If you don't have two piece pants I wouldn't recommend it for ice. Its pretty similar size wise to other roller backpacks out there, and the Alkali stuff is roller specific anyways. Everything else about the bag is perfect. The material it is made of is excellent, waterproof and durable as anything I have seen. The zippers are bulletproof as well. Great product I just wish they made a slightly bigger version so I didn't have to tetris my gear in there every time, but that's how it goes when you use a roller bag for ice.

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i'm going to say it...a wheeled bag. been easy on my shoulder and back. im getting old and have a bad back (now bad knees as my doctor said).

anyway it's awesome.

the only thing that can suck is wheeling it in front of a crowd of fans at the game before yours, because occasionally it makes a lot of noise, and being the only non-goalie with a wheel bag...makes me look even older.

but hey, keeps a lot of unnecessary stress off of you before and after the game so i could care less what other people think.

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i'm going to say it...a wheeled bag. been easy on my shoulder and back. im getting old and have a bad back (now bad knees as my doctor said).

anyway it's awesome.

the only thing that can suck is wheeling it in front of a crowd of fans at the game before yours, because occasionally it makes a lot of noise, and being the only non-goalie with a wheel bag...makes me look even older.

but hey, keeps a lot of unnecessary stress off of you before and after the game so i could care less what other people think.

I have a wheeled bag as well. I really like it. I catch a little flack from the boys now and again, but it's just easier. It's also great for when you have an 18 pack to carry in or you're on puck bag duty. Or both.

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+1 for the wheels and double +1 when you are bringing the beers for after the game. Only hassle with a wheelie is if you turn up last to the game and the dressing room is the size of matchbox and the only seat left is in the far corner....

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I use a Bauer APXR backpack for my gear. I got it about 18 months ago, I use it 5+ times a week all year round... and it is holding up extremely well, basically still looks brand new. Only a few wear marks on the corners of the skate pockets. One issue that I had was a plastic clip that broke on the shoulder strap length adjustment... but that was due to me carrying the better part of 2 sets of gear in it that weekend for a tournament, where I was playing up to 4 games a day... so it was probably over loaded with wet weighted down gear. I put in a new adjustment clip that I picked up at MEC and no problems since. I give it top ratings, tons of space very durable and comfortable to carry on your back.

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I have a backpack and really like it. Get one with big enough pockets on the sides to hold skates. Mine is more of a storage pocket on the side and I have to put my skates on the bottom. Kind of a pain.

Also need to think about what kind of car you have. I have a Civic and it barely fits because the backpack "builds" out more than a bag that builds out more horizontally.

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I have just a few days ago received the Alkali CA9 backpack and can confirm the previous post by TeamHonda401. It is very nice for inline and fits all gear plus spare parts, towels, and so on with ease; the construction is bullet proof and will last forever (three teammates are thinking about buying it after having seen it once now).

Regarding inline: this has replaced my wheeled bag.

Regarding ice: I just tried packing all the stuff from my wheeled bag in the backpack and ran into problems.

What works for me: shoulders, shins, elbows, helmet, 2 sets of gloves (1 set wedged into the skate pocket), TotalONE or Project (not both!) girdle + shell, plus the usual stuff (jerseys, tape, tools...)

A regular pant without split legs would not fit in with the rest of the gear, and even with my split tackla two-piece pant it requires way more tetris to pack than I'd be able to do after a game/practice.

If you can cope with the restriction to girdles & not carrying around half a hockey shop and don't have to bring beer or spare gear this backpack works out for ice as-well, otherwise get a bag (or bug Justin to release a slightly larger ice version.....;))

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i'm going to say it...a wheeled bag. been easy on my shoulder and back. im getting old and have a bad back (now bad knees as my doctor said).

anyway it's awesome.

the only thing that can suck is wheeling it in front of a crowd of fans at the game before yours, because occasionally it makes a lot of noise, and being the only non-goalie with a wheel bag...makes me look even older.

but hey, keeps a lot of unnecessary stress off of you before and after the game so i could care less what other people think.

It's great playing in a country where no one knows nor cares about these nuances (such as, that "only goalies ought to be using wheeled bags."). I use a wheeled bag too, and when people look at me, I can hear them thinking, "That guy sure does look like he is carrying around alot of stuff."

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