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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Muscle training for slapshots

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I wanted to start working on the power of my slapshot. Can anyone tell me which muslces are used most in the process of a slapshot? I've heard that strong abs help but for the upper body, do you need strong shoulders or biceps or triceps? Thanks in advance! :)

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forearms and wrists will help on all shots but a slapper requires more trunk rotation and leg drive than the other shot types.

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Squat, bench,deadlift triangle bar or striaght, power clean. or towel bench. i would do bench,deadlift ,power clean. Thats what i do my 7th hour class in school is BFS (biggerfasterstronger) and it has improved mine a lot well it is mainly for football but sense thats over i do it for hockey.

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I would say your better off working on technique.

As with most hockey training, skill is the most important part.

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Towel pullups too: they work your core and forearms pretty hard along with the customary pulling muscles. Wrap a towel around a support beam or pullup bar and go to town, but go slow...

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Of all the above, I would say pull ups. Back muscles are the most underdeveloped in hockey players. If you can not do 20 pullups, you need stronger back muscles. A slap shot needs balanced and flexible muscles to come off accurate and repeatable. Work the back twice as much as your front and you will improve. Also, there are a number of tiny muscles, again in the back, that you can train with lifting 5 pound weights with your arms extended straight out to your front or side, lifting up and down. Do it slowly and feel the burn.

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TECHNIQUE!!!!!! I know so many scrawny kids that haven't lifted a weight in their life that have an absolute bomb of a shot just because their technique is perfect.

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I wanted to start working on the power of my slapshot. Can anyone tell me which muslces are used most in the process of a slapshot? I've heard that strong abs help but for the upper body, do you need strong shoulders or biceps or triceps? Thanks in advance! :)

Everything. Your abs and obliques will help with the body rotation. Your shoulders, chest, and arms will provide swing strength and legs will provide push into the shot.

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