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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Funny T-Shirts

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I need some ideas for Christmas presents, and this came to my mind. What are some of the funniest (preferably school appropriate) or best that you've seen that I could find online to buy?

So far I've found these three:




If you can find any others, I'd like to see them.

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like sean said them bush shirts are pretty funny.

Ethan I know you've seen them before, brownie got one up in canada. Anyways I know you can find them on google if you search, Im just too lazy right now, haha.

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Yea Chadd. I've been there before when you had that Kool Ass logo as your avatar. I couldn't think of the site right now though. Thanks.

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I have a camo coloured shit and it says "you can't see me" on it. It's pretty funny. I also have a plain black t-shirt with tiny little writing on it, like so tiny so you gotta go really close to read it, and it says "nosey little fucker aren't ya?"

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I have a camo coloured shit and it says "you can't see me" on it. It's pretty funny. I also have a plain black t-shirt with tiny little writing on it, like so tiny so you gotta go really close to read it, and it says "nosey little fucker aren't ya?"

I got that camo one too. I think it is really funny, but when I wear it I look like a moron. I don't wear it for that reason.

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I have thathas "one fish, two fish, red fish blue fish" on it. But there sia store around me that has some awesome ones. Best ones Ive seen are 25 things not to say to a police man and "jesus is my homeboy".

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I have a shirt that says " How stick people became extinct" and there's like a little cartoon with 2 stick people "engaging in coitus" if you will....then there's a flame between them...and they burn up and die....I'll take photos soon

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There's a shirt that's just black with different analogies of all the religions and how they relate to "shit", where's its like "shit happens, deal with it". i'll try to find it.

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I have a shirt that say : smooth sailing, didlo, newfoundland. Theres a little sail boat in between smooth sailing and the other part. its pretty funny.

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I have a camo coloured shit and it says "you can't see me" on it. It's pretty funny. I also have a plain black t-shirt with tiny little writing on it, like so tiny so you gotta go really close to read it, and it says "nosey little fucker aren't ya?"

Ain't the camo shirt from the wwe?

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