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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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In the market for new skates

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Hey guys, I'm new to modsquad hockey, but I was hoping that you guys could give me some opinions on different skates.

I skate 1-2 times a week, and the occasional tournament every few months.

One year ago (almost to the day) I purchased Mission T10's, and was very happy, until the durability factor started coming into play. This came up much earlier than expected, within a month or two the boot was wearing fairly bad (I am 5'9 and about 150 lbs and skate hard, but controlled). And since then the durability has started to take a dive. My toe cap is cracked on my left skate..I assume from a puck within the last week, I do not recall even taking a hard shot at all off of my toes.. We all know you know it when you do. And on my right skate my chassis/soul is already separating from the boot.

I upgraded from a pair of Bauer rx:15's; the bottom model skate and the durability is much better than the top of the line mission. Since Bauer bought Mission, they have gone downhill significantly.

I want something with a durable chassis, not necessarily hi-lo, and wanted opinions on : Bauer XR: Premier, Tour Fish Bonelite Pro (I am kind of leaning towards currently), and alkali CA9.

I don't care about the wheels/bearings thrown into the opinion, just strictly the boot and price value (if it is worth the extra x amount of dollars).

The biggest part of my game is my speed, I have skated on tours before my past mission and bauer skates, but am always open to suggestions.


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I can't comment on the Bauer skates as no one I know has the premier, all our players that are in Bauers are in apxr's (which are a fantastic skate).

I have CA9's, the boot is literally indestructable. Best boot I have ever had. I sweat a lot when playing and boots I have destroyed (generally within a few months) are Mission Boss / Black / SE, Rbk 9k, Rbk 10k, CCM Vector 10's, Tour Cobalt Q's. 18 months later and the CA9 boot is still going strong.

A team mate is in the Bonelite Pros (downgraded from apxrs which he found to stiff). He likes them but doesn't rave about them. They were within his budget when he was in the states last month, he hopes they will last him through the year.

CA9's are the narrowest boot, then Bauer (narrower than Mission) and Tour is the widest of all manufacturers. Aside from price, first consideration should be a boot that fits your feet.

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Avoid Reebok. They will. E dead within a month.

Also with all of those issues so soon there may be a warranty claim. For someone your height and weight even with avvresive skateing there should t be that wear and tear so soon. I personally am loving my ac2 missions. I'm 250lbs and skate fairly hard on them and there are no signs of wear on them yet.

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Tour does not have a good reputation for being durable. The XR premier is a solid boot, being on markdown right now might push that to the front in my eyes. The CA9 is a good boot but I feel the better choice would be the RPD. The RPD is now on sale as well and I feel the quality upgrades from the 9 to the rpd are notable. I have had 2 sets of the Ca9's and after serious use the boot lost its shape and heel lift and overall discomfort was an issue. After getting the RPD at my next tourney I had zero problems, still wore them for about a year and they are very comfy and stable. The new L pads that keep your heel locked in really do their jobs.

Hey guys, I'm new to modsquad hockey, but I was hoping that you guys could give me some opinions on different skates.

I skate 1-2 times a week, and the occasional tournament every few months.

One year ago (almost to the day) I purchased Mission T10's, and was very happy, until the durability factor started coming into play. This came up much earlier than expected, within a month or two the boot was wearing fairly bad (I am 5'9 and about 150 lbs and skate hard, but controlled). And since then the durability has started to take a dive. My toe cap is cracked on my left skate..I assume from a puck within the last week, I do not recall even taking a hard shot at all off of my toes.. We all know you know it when you do. And on my right skate my chassis/soul is already separating from the boot.

I upgraded from a pair of Bauer rx:15's; the bottom model skate and the durability is much better than the top of the line mission. Since Bauer bought Mission, they have gone downhill significantly.

I want something with a durable chassis, not necessarily hi-lo, and wanted opinions on : Bauer XR: Premier, Tour Fish Bonelite Pro (I am kind of leaning towards currently), and alkali CA9.

I don't care about the wheels/bearings thrown into the opinion, just strictly the boot and price value (if it is worth the extra x amount of dollars).

The biggest part of my game is my speed, I have skated on tours before my past mission and bauer skates, but am always open to suggestions.


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Avoid Reebok. They will. E dead within a month.

Also with all of those issues so soon there may be a warranty claim. For someone your height and weight even with avvresive skateing there should t be that wear and tear so soon. I personally am loving my ac2 missions. I'm 250lbs and skate fairly hard on them and there are no signs of wear on them yet.

Yeah, I won't even consider a pair of Reebok's. I've sent them in to total hockey today, hopefully they honor the warranty..even though it is out of date of the manufacturers warranty on their site. I've just never seen a skate get that demolished in a year. I'm avoiding any mission/bauer aluminum chassis, on my old bauers that I had right before the t10s I blocked a snapshot and bent the frame..so sad. Lol.

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If you block a hard shot with any frame you can break or bend it. Same thing with taking a shot to the shaft of your stick. I do agree with you and think the higher end mag frames are the way to go but the aluminum isn't always to blame for a bent frame.

Yeah, I won't even consider a pair of Reebok's. I've sent them in to total hockey today, hopefully they honor the warranty..even though it is out of date of the manufacturers warranty on their site. I've just never seen a skate get that demolished in a year. I'm avoiding any mission/bauer aluminum chassis, on my old bauers that I had right before the t10s I blocked a snapshot and bent the frame..so sad. Lol.

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If you block a hard shot with any frame you can break or bend it. Same thing with taking a shot to the shaft of your stick. I do agree with you and think the higher end mag frames are the way to go but the aluminum isn't always to blame for a bent frame.

I agree, but in my house league here 50% of the people can't surpass 45 mph with a shot. The others here play high end tournament hockey. Theres a huge gap here haha. On the Ca9 RPD's, would you say they're the same sizing as my T10s? I had an 8.5D, If i get that should I go with an 8.5 as well?

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I hear you on that. I just had somebody bend my mag frame on my Alkali skates but that was a narch pro that did that. I wore the T10 being for I started skating in Alkalis and wore size 8 in both.

I agree, but in my house league here 50% of the people can't surpass 45 mph with a shot. The others here play high end tournament hockey. Theres a huge gap here haha. On the Ca9 RPD's, would you say they're the same sizing as my T10s? I had an 8.5D, If i get that should I go with an 8.5 as well?

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I hear you on that. I just had somebody bend my mag frame on my Alkali skates but that was a narch pro that did that. I wore the T10 being for I started skating in Alkalis and wore size 8 in both.

Alright, think its worth the buy? I've heard good and bads about Alkali. I'd be snagging them for 415, which is a steal for a top model skate. I'm unsure about all 80's. Thoughts/opinions?

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I am a big fan of the straight frame, I can change from hi lo (76 76 80 80) to the straight but prefer the all 80's. I feel with the added wheel in the front you have better speed but also better stopping power. I don't hear much regarding the bad with the RPDs, everybody really likes them. I do suggest baking them as the fit out of the box may feel strange to somebody that hasn't worn them before. They mold great and feel just as good. I'm about to start to wear the APX2R for testing but hope to get my feet into some RPD MAX's eventually.

Alright, think its worth the buy? I've heard good and bads about Alkali. I'd be snagging them for 415, which is a steal for a top model skate. I'm unsure about all 80's. Thoughts/opinions?

And 415 for a set of RPDs is a very good deal.

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Thanks a ton, I'm placing an order now for them. If I get a second pair back from my warranty on my t10s, you'll be seeing one pair up for sale! If not, looks like I'll be trying out some alkali skates! I appreciate the help

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No worries man. Anything for the fellow inline player. Justin(Alkali VP) is a regular on MSH so if you ever have any issues he takes care of them. I had a little issue with gloves a while back and Justin and Joe took care of it. They are good guys.

Thanks a ton, I'm placing an order now for them. If I get a second pair back from my warranty on my t10s, you'll be seeing one pair up for sale! If not, looks like I'll be trying out some alkali skates! I appreciate the help

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No worries man. Anything for the fellow inline player. Justin(Alkali VP) is a regular on MSH so if you ever have any issues he takes care of them. I had a little issue with gloves a while back and Justin and Joe took care of it. They are good guys.

I actually saw Justin's profile on here and added him on skype to ask him about the skates. I'll reply back here once I get the skates and let you know what I think

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The aluminum is not to blame for it bending and most other chassis would of done the same.

I like the all 80s for the fact that I can accelrate faster and I feel a little better top speed is achieved with them. I don't see too much of a benefit in a hi los agility as I do with the 80s speed.

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"I agree, but in my house league here 50% of the people can't surpass 45 mph with a shot. The others here play high end tournament hockey. Theres a huge gap here haha."

We already went over that topic. He ended up taking a look at the RPD skates so this question should be all set. Hope the skates work well for you Yohezky.

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Hey guys, I'm new to modsquad hockey, but I was hoping that you guys could give me some opinions on different skates.

I skate 1-2 times a week, and the occasional tournament every few months.

One year ago (almost to the day) I purchased Mission T10's, and was very happy, until the durability factor started coming into play. This came up much earlier than expected, within a month or two the boot was wearing fairly bad (I am 5'9 and about 150 lbs and skate hard, but controlled). And since then the durability has started to take a dive. My toe cap is cracked on my left skate..I assume from a puck within the last week, I do not recall even taking a hard shot at all off of my toes.. We all know you know it when you do. And on my right skate my chassis/soul is already separating from the boot.

I upgraded from a pair of Bauer rx:15's; the bottom model skate and the durability is much better than the top of the line mission. Since Bauer bought Mission, they have gone downhill significantly.

I want something with a durable chassis, not necessarily hi-lo, and wanted opinions on : Bauer XR: Premier, Tour Fish Bonelite Pro (I am kind of leaning towards currently), and alkali CA9.

I don't care about the wheels/bearings thrown into the opinion, just strictly the boot and price value (if it is worth the extra x amount of dollars).

The biggest part of my game is my speed, I have skated on tours before my past mission and bauer skates, but am always open to suggestions.


First poor review I have read on the T10's durability. I got an order about to ship on these, too. I need something durable, all indicators suggested these are more durable than the Inhaler AC series. Oh well, I will give em a shot, I think, and just hope you got a bum pair (no offense, I just mean, I am hoping your experience is an anomaly- I would never wish a bummy pair of anything on someone who just bought the things, and are about to go out and use them).

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First poor review I have read on the T10's durability. I got an order about to ship on these, too. I need something durable, all indicators suggested these are more durable than the Inhaler AC series. Oh well, I will give em a shot, I think, and just hope you got a bum pair (no offense, I just mean, I am hoping your experience is an anomaly- I would never wish a bummy pair of anything on someone who just bought the things, and are about to go out and use them).

Yeah, I've played with dozens of people who had had them since release and had no problems with them. And to think I was having problems months after purchasing is a little odd..unless they work with the warranty, that is the last mission product I'll buy. I hope that your skates hold up well for you.

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Nothing really to worry on the T10. My buddy played for the Mission Snipers and he had his set for a year with no issue. Anything can happy to any skate. You should have to worry on your set, if anything happens you always have a warranty on the pieces of the skate.

First poor review I have read on the T10's durability. I got an order about to ship on these, too. I need something durable, all indicators suggested these are more durable than the Inhaler AC series. Oh well, I will give em a shot, I think, and just hope you got a bum pair (no offense, I just mean, I am hoping your experience is an anomaly- I would never wish a bummy pair of anything on someone who just bought the things, and are about to go out and use them).

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Right on, thanks for the replies fellas. So yea, I am still getting the T10's one way or another. I did not mean to re-route the thread. Perhaps Yohezky, you might figure you just got a lemon, and try another pair? They are on clearance at HockeyMonkey - another 20%, which is where mine are coming from.

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Right on, thanks for the replies fellas. So yea, I am still getting the T10's one way or another. I did not mean to re-route the thread. Perhaps Yohezky, you might figure you just got a lemon, and try another pair? They are on clearance at HockeyMonkey - another 20%, which is where mine are coming from.

Yeah, I already purchased the RPD CA9s because they had an unbeatable deal. If I get another pair from them that'd be awesome. I'd probably sell the CA9s or use one just for tournaments, but we'll see how good totalhockey's customer service is.

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I went from Mission to Alkali when I purchased my RPD's and I love them.

I found speed and agility went up equally.

All 80mm chassis had no detriment on my agility, it increased it.
Boot comfort as well was amazing after my bake.

As far as straight 80mm chassis go, being the only skate that offers a magnesium chassis and swiss bearings combined with the runout price atm makes the RPD unbeatable for play and value.

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Just got the CA9 RPD's today in the mail today, Tried them on and was scared at first they were going to be a tad too small, but laced them up and moved around and they fit 100% perfect. I'm playing an ironman tomorrow, and i'm not looking forward to breaking a second paid in during an ironman tournament, but..will post again about how they treat me tomorrow!

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Just got the CA9 RPD's today in the mail today, Tried them on and was scared at first they were going to be a tad too small, but laced them up and moved around and they fit 100% perfect. I'm playing an ironman tomorrow, and i'm not looking forward to breaking a second paid in during an ironman tournament, but..will post again about how they treat me tomorrow!

lol! Thought the exact same thing when I got mine, until I tried them on.

All I kept thinking was, "omg going to have to wait another week and a half to send these back and get another pair sent out here!".

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I tried to post a new thread and did not see this one; so I am 205LB 5'10" mostly outdoor; I have indoor and outdoor wheels so don't mind the change up. Need new skates and trying to figure out what to get looking at the store's review it is a hit or miss. I was thinking Bauer XR4 or XR5 or Mission T7. Any ideas / suggestions?

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If you are looking for a great deal on skates, check our the CA4, CA5, or CA7 skates on clearance right now. You can get some great skates at a much lower price.

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