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Proper lace tightening for ice skates (top 2 eyelets)

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Switched over a few months ago from roller to ice. Been playing around with a few different methods of lacing them up with all different results. Still not sure what the best way is, since methods I might have thought sucked might have been good but the problem was I wasnt a very good skater before.

First lemme just briefly mention the fit of my skates to make sure thats not the problem. I'm 99% sure the length of my skate is correct. I can feel the front and back most of the time, but if i really kick my heel back my toes are just shy of the cap. I wanted to make sure my fit was nice and snug, so I went with the vapor thinking that tighter would be better than having something too big. Im not positive, but I think they fit correctly since once I broke them in they feel very comfortable, and I have no spots that I feel are jammed. The only issue I might have here has to do with total volume of the boot. If I am actually lacing up wrong, and fit has something to do with it, then im guessing this would be the culprit. Lastly, I dont know if I have high arches or not. Not sure if I would benefit from an insert.

Ok so from watching a bunch of videos online, and from advice I got from people, my most current method is basically tie everything very tight, but not so you are uncomfortable. Ive always done this for the bottom eyelets, but my biggest problem has to do with the top 2.

Currently I'm trying out lacing them tight even at the very top. When I first started, I remember hearing people mention you dont wanna limit your ability to bring your knees forward (so you DONT want the top of your ankle completely locked). From tying them with the loose ankle, I felt pretty wobbly out there, and even now as I sit here with one tight and one loose, I get a lot more left to right movement (bad?), than the one with my ankle really locked in there. Maybe a month ago I started doing it pretty tight all the way to the top, and I feel like my skating has improved. turning is way tighter, and my stopping has gotten to where im just as good as kids that I know who have been playing for a while.

I know Ive heard that you are supposed to lace the 3rd one down super tight as this locks in the skate, and then leave the top two looser for back and forth movement, but I think it ends up evening out, and im left with wobbly skates. I dont get how your supposed to have two not as tight, and expect them to stay like that?

So whats the deal, how tight should I be tying my skates around the ankle? My skating has come a long way since I started, but I think having no range of movement when bending is limiting me. I still feel much more agile and comfortable in roller skates for whatever reason.

Any advice, pictures, videos, etc you have or know of would be super helpful!

And also if this matters at all: Should roller skates and ice skates fit exactly the same? For me there is a big difference there. I actually like the feel of my ice skates much better than my roller skates, but I also leave the tops loose for ankle movement on my roller skates. They definitely have more side to side movement, but I dont think that matters as much when not playing on ice.

And do you guys wear socks or go barefoot? Tried out barefoot, and I actually thought it felt way better than even thin socks. I know that they're gonna end up stinking like crazy, but I think it might be worth it. I did get some irratation on the front of my ankle near where the tongue meets the top eyelets. Im hoping its only because the tops of my skates are so tight.

Sorry for the million questions and thanks again!

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Uhhhhh...that's quite a bit...volume wise are you busting out the top of the boot? How does the lacing pattern look? Have you done the pencil test if so do you pass or fail?

As far as lacing goes IMO there's no right or wrong way it's all preference and feel. Same applies to going with or without socks

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I've wondered about the profile of the blade when someone is coming from roller over to ice like this. I did the same, and I still remember how awful my first sharpening felt, but I didn't know what I should be getting. I personally ended up loving the long radius (11') on my Grafs, with a really low hollow, around (1"), and I didn't think about it until much later, but I think this may have come from the fact that I was rollerblading before ice skating, so I didn't feel any problem moving my feet quickly on a long radius like that. The amount of blade you're skating on may have an effect on how you feel the need to stabilize your foot in the boot.

When you say you feel more agile and comfortable on your roller setup, try and get a clear sense of why you feel uncomfortable on ice. Is it the boot? It sounds like the boot's actually comfortable for you. Do you feel tippy forward or backward?

About fit of boots being the same, I imagine that would be ideal--if you know which boot fits you best, why not wear it for ice and roller? But I never had the same boot on both setups, partly because I mostly gave up roller once I started playing on ice. Then I proceeded to wear boots that were way too stiff for me without knowing any better.

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The laces will stay in place (tight at 3rd eyelet down, loose in top 2 eyelets) if you use wax laces. Regular laces will not hold the variable lacing tightness that you describe. I haven't figured out how to get what you are looking for though (range of motion + locked in ankles), so let me know if you figure it out. I am either wobbly ankled or everything is so tight that I lose range of motion.

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I barely pull on my laces at all in my NXGs, and I leave the top eyelet undone. Its all preference, but the general misconception is that you have to yank on your laces for the skate to function. If your heel is locked down and volume and width are correct, you should be fine without yanking on the laces. Overtightening is a crutch most people use to offset a sloppy fit.

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I too made the switch from roller to ice and I can't use my edges at all with the tops to eyelets tightened that much. I flex my foot all the way forward when lacing my skates, which leaves my ankles plenty of room to move about freely.

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Uhhhhh...that's quite a bit...volume wise are you busting out the top of the boot? How does the lacing pattern look? Have you done the pencil test if so do you pass or fail?

As far as lacing goes IMO there's no right or wrong way it's all preference and feel. Same applies to going with or without socks

Not busting out at all, just saying that is the only thing I was unsure of.

Im not 100% clear on what the pencil test is. But from from what I read, you take the laces out and pull the tongue out, and then lay a pencil across to make sure it doesn't touch. By that method:

3rd eyelet - no touch, if i press down with some pressure I can make it graze my foot

4th eyelet - touches

When you say you feel more agile and comfortable on your roller setup, try and get a clear sense of why you feel uncomfortable on ice. Is it the boot? It sounds like the boot's actually comfortable for you. Do you feel tippy forward or backward?

About fit of boots being the same, I imagine that would be ideal--if you know which boot fits you best, why not wear it for ice and roller? But I never had the same boot on both setups, partly because I mostly gave up roller once I started playing on ice. Then I proceeded to wear boots that were way too stiff for me without knowing any better.

Its weird because lacing up to the very top feels OK on ice - even though its limiting. But if I try that with my roller skates I feel terrble and I can barely skate. This makes me think if I could get the flexibility I get from allowing the flex forward like I do when wearing rollerblades while still keeping the ankle from rolling I would be a much better skater.

I wish I already didnt go out and buy really nice skates, because I would really like to see what it would feel like rollerskating with the same boot I use for ice. I'd imagine it would make me a better roller skater, as I think my rollerblades might be a little too big (bought them before I really knew how tight you want them).

Im trying not to play on roller too much now that im transitioning since every time i do, i end up feeling really off when I go back on the ice.

The laces will stay in place (tight at 3rd eyelet down, loose in top 2 eyelets) if you use wax laces. Regular laces will not hold the variable lacing tightness that you describe. I haven't figured out how to get what you are looking for though (range of motion + locked in ankles), so let me know if you figure it out. I am either wobbly ankled or everything is so tight that I lose range of motion.

Gonna try and switch to wax, and also backlace them (some call it over under?). I also found a few different lace patterns where you actually skip over some eyelets to allow more forward flex.

Found this from an earlier post on here. http://oi54.tinypic.com/b89qvb.jpg

Apparently #1 allows for the least movement, and #4 allows for the most, but the post wasn't 100% clear.

I would try leaving the top two empty, but then the tongue is pushed straight out too much and it ends up hurting in that spot.

I think im gonna go back to my original method of flexing forward as I tie them, and then going back and making it maybe a centimeter tighter than if I were flexed all the way forward.

I barely pull on my laces at all in my NXGs, and I leave the top eyelet undone. Its all preference, but the general misconception is that you have to yank on your laces for the skate to function. If your heel is locked down and volume and width are correct, you should be fine without yanking on the laces. Overtightening is a crutch most people use to offset a sloppy fit.

how much side to side movement do you have when fully laced? I wish there were a video anywhere of how much you should expect to have. Another thought I had was that I actually have pretty small ankles. Could this have to do with why I have so much side to side movement?

I too made the switch from roller to ice and I can't use my edges at all with the tops to eyelets tightened that much. I flex my foot all the way forward when lacing my skates, which leaves my ankles plenty of room to move about freely.

How much side to side movement do you get though?

Right now im at a point when I can hockey stop with only one foot on the ice. I think Ive only learned how to do this since I started making it super tight on top. In my head I dont think I would be able to do this with loose tops. I feel like my ankle might snap or something.... I need to get out there and try it again.

Edit: One more thing I havent mentioned about fit is my arch. No idea whether I have flat feet or a high arch. IS there any way to check? Because everyone's feet are different, im surprised no one has a service where you send a mold of your feet in, and they tell you exactly which skates will fit best. I think it would be super helpful to even have info on how high your arch is, total foot volume, etc. I know they have this for custom mouthpieces. I can see it working for hockey too.

Last edit: Is it a good idea to tie your skates up really tight and leave them over night so you dont have to pull on the laces so hard to get them tight on your feet? Obviously not so tight that the sides are touching, but just slightly tighter than how they would be when you regularly tie them, this way your not fighting against them so much.

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Just to update, switched to waxed and backlaced and skipped the 2nd eyelet. Leaving the top loose enough for full movement, the bottom seems to stay pretty tight. I think no socks helps a lot too since my boot probably could be a little deeper.

Will try it out on the ice and report back.

Heres how my skates currently fit:


gallery of pencil test: http://imgur.com/a/inE3k (EDIT: wrong placement of pencil)

gallery of tied shoes: http://imgur.com/a/0cTBH with flex forward

few with laces at top loose: http://imgur.com/a/euU5u with flex forward

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Boots not deep enough.

Just learning this now. Apparently I was doing the pencil test wrong.

How bad will this affect me on the ice? I havent gotten any lace bite yet, and Ive worn them maybe 20-30 times.

Could this be part of my problem?

And if I were to get new skates, which should I be looking at? I dont wanna be swimming in a super deep skate, and its really only the middle of my foot (center 4 eyelets) that my foot bulges out.

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start with a supreme or CCM. if thats not deep enough try Nexus.

which model is gonna be around or better quality than the 5.0's? The one.6 is around the same price the 5.0's are going for. or is it worth it to get the one.7 for $350? worried about having a boot that isnt stiff.

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If the Vapor (assuming you're in a D not EE) fits your foot width wise, none of those will work. Having adequate depth is meaningless if you can fit a golf ball on either side of your foot in the boot.

To your question to me earlier: I have no side to side movement in my skates at all.

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Again I would try the Vapor in the EE. However make sure you do not have to much room in the heel as mentioned above. However if you do not have the height on the quarter panel and do not have the depth then the skate will not work as it should Try on everything. Find the one that allows for good height depth and good heel lock.

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If the Vapor (assuming you're in a D not EE) fits your foot width wise, none of those will work. Having adequate depth is meaningless if you can fit a golf ball on either side of your foot in the boot.

To your question to me earlier: I have no side to side movement in my skates at all.


Again I would try the Vapor in the EE. However make sure you do not have to much room in the heel as mentioned above. However if you do not have the height on the quarter panel and do not have the depth then the skate will not work as it should Try on everything. Find the one that allows for good height depth and good heel lock.

Why would I want to go wider? The fit right now wish wise is very snug, the problem is just depth.

I went to my nearest pro shop and I guess their supply was kinda low. I did try on the nexus 600, and I don't think they fit right. Was able to fit in a half size smaller than my vapors. The boot definitely had more depth, but the toe cap was huge. I was able to move my toes left, right, up, and down. I guess a better way to describe it would be that when standing normally, neither side of the end of my foot was touching the sides. Besides that they were ok. The thing is I'm not 100 percent sure how they should fit, so they might be good, but I just can't tell.

They had no Supremes in stock, but I wanna try those out and see how they feel.

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By going wider there is a minimal but taller side panel. And the fact that you need more depth says that trying wider MAY be a part of the problem solved. However a deeper bot in a narrow width does the same or similar thing. Your best to do as you have stated. Narrow down the wall by trying things on. Nexus is out. Supreme is up next. Yah may also want to try a CCm and or RBK just for shits and giggles?

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By going wider there is a minimal but taller side panel. And the fact that you need more depth says that trying wider MAY be a part of the problem solved. However a deeper bot in a narrow width does the same or similar thing. Your best to do as you have stated. Narrow down the wall by trying things on. Nexus is out. Supreme is up next. Yah may also want to try a CCm and or RBK just for shits and giggles?

Makes sense. I need to go to a pro shop with a bigger selection I think. I really think I just need someone to measure my foot and go from there, because I think a lot of the problem is I'm not sure how it should fit when it fits perfect.

The nexus definitely felt like there was a lot of extra room, especially in the toe area. But maybe that's what I'm looking for? Thinking about what you said, maybe I do have a wide foot, and I just don't realize that a skate shouldn't be that tight around my foot.

I really wish any company had some kind of custom foot mold option available. If anyone offered the option to pay a lot of money to have you send your mold in, and then send out a pair that fits perfect, and is already heat molded to the mold you sent in, I'd be all over that. A big reason why I don't want to spend a lot of skates yet is that I want to make sure they fit exactly like they should first. I'd imagine that a cheap pair that fits would perform better than an expensive pair that doesn't. At the very least, with a mold, Bauer or someone would be able to point you which model and size you should get.

I should mention I have no brand loyalty, so I'm open to other brands besides Bauer.

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Again I would try the Vapor in the EE. However make sure you do not have to much room in the heel as mentioned above. However if you do not have the height on the quarter panel and do not have the depth then the skate will not work as it should Try on everything. Find the one that allows for good height depth and good heel lock.

This is solid advice. I had a slight volume problem in my 8D Vapors. Just assumed that a Vapor boot was not right for my foot so I spent 5 months trying on every skate I could find looking for the boot that was right for my foot shape. I tried Reebok, RBZ, U+, Supreme, Nexus, Graf, Easton (EQ) and nothing fit. Then someone finally suggested I try a 7.5EE Vapor. I was doubtful since I don't have a particularly wide foot, but was desperate. To my surprise they fit very well and the volume issue was almost completely eliminated. Certainly enough that it's not a problem for me.

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So I was able to try on a pair of supreme one.6 that a guy I know wears. They were actually a half a size smaller than the vapors I wear (7.0). I think I like the way they fit better than my vapors, but I wasnt able to tell if they had enough depth. The toe cap definitely had more room, which Im still not sure if I need. It wasnt as bad as the nexus, but definitely more than the vapor.

Ive recently been having problems with my toes going numb. I played last night and 30 mins in I was already completely frozen. Not sure if its just me or if its because of the skates.

I really need to go to a store that has a ton of different skates to try on, and someone who can tell me if what im feeling is the right fit. The places around me all only carry a few different skates. I ask if its the right fit, but i guess its just a coincidence that my foot just happens to fit the one kind of skate they keep in stock according to them.

I live in southern CT. Anyone know any huge hockey stores anywhere near me? I guess worst case scenario, next time Im headed towards NY/NJ, I can stop at the hockeymonkey store in NJ. Im guessing they have a huge selection, and hopefully people there that can help.

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So I was able to try on a pair of supreme one.6 that a guy I know wears. They were actually a half a size smaller than the vapors I wear (7.0). I think I like the way they fit better than my vapors, but I wasnt able to tell if they had enough depth. The toe cap definitely had more room, which Im still not sure if I need. It wasnt as bad as the nexus, but definitely more than the vapor.

Ive recently been having problems with my toes going numb. I played last night and 30 mins in I was already completely frozen. Not sure if its just me or if its because of the skates.

Interested to see what works with you. I have been having the same problems in a Supreme One.9 LE (toes going numb, pain at ball of foot). Not sure if my feet are untough, damaged, or if it is the skates, the fit, or my feet in the skates. I am pretty good in inline (Axiom T10s), but it could be the soft wheels and the soft sport court that are helping me out moreso than the skates. We will find out within the month when I get onto ice in Axiom T9s converted for ice (being shipped).

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Boots not deep enough.

oldtrainerguy (or whoever wants to comment)-


Is my boot (Supreme One.9 LE, size 10.0 EE) not deep enough? If not, then what boot would you recommend? I know, try on everything and see what fits, but I do not have that luxury until my next trip to the mainland, and I would like to have an idea what I need to make sure is in stock at the various retailers, before I drive to them, so I can find a place that has everything that I will I want to try on. I am thinking CCM RBZ or Easton Mako. More pics of my feet are here:


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oldtrainerguy (or whoever wants to comment)-


Is my boot (Supreme One.9 LE, size 10.0 EE) not deep enough? If not, then what boot would you recommend? I know, try on everything and see what fits, but I do not have that luxury until my next trip to the mainland, and I would like to have an idea what I need to make sure is in stock at the various retailers, before I drive to them, so I can find a place that has everything that I will I want to try on. I am thinking CCM RBZ or Easton Mako. More pics of my feet are here:


And the other one would be Nexus. But your right thats not deep enough! Lace bite?

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