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elbow pads

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Always have as my elbows are stuffed from skateboard falls.

Rbk 9k platinum shield is my all time favourite, a plain simple pad that is bullet proof in protection. 11k's aren't bad, X60's are ok, didn't like Total Ones, Warrior Franchise are ok, EQ50's are weird and bulky, RS are ok, Nexus are good.

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I always wear elbows and have tried on all the top models over the past few years. I find the Warrior Projekts (2012 grey and blue ones) to be the most comfortable and mobile. They're on clearance at most places so you should be able to get them for a good price. I picked up a third pair last night when Hockeytron had their 50% off Warrior deal so I should be set for elbow pads for quite some time.

The least bulky high end pads are probably the CCL CLs, but those weren't quite as comfortable for me as the Projekts and some people here have had problems with the middle strap coming apart.

The least bulky pads in general would probably be the Bauer Supreme 1000 officials pads: http://www.hockeymonkey.com/bauer-hockey-supreme-1000-officials-elbow-pad.html

I use those to ref because I wanted something low profile to officiate, but the Projekts are much more protective overall and I actually find them more comfortable and mobile than the ref pads. The ref pads are definitely lower profile though.

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The least bulky high end pads are probably the CCL CLs, but those weren't quite as comfortable for me as the Projekts and some people here have had problems with the middle strap coming apart.

I had this problem with the CCM CLs (which I otherwise think are a great pad if your arms are not too big; I posted a review with my measurements and issues I ran into); Reebok 20Ks to arrive in Feb 2014 as replacement courtesy from CCM/Reebok. The limited reviews have these rating well enough. I always wear elbows, to me bulkiness is not as much of a concern as lightness, comfort, mobility, and moisture wicking. Something can be bulky, but as long as it is strong in these qualities, then I am a happy camper.

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I always wear elbows and have tried on all the top models over the past few years. I find the Warrior Projekts (2012 grey and blue ones) to be the most comfortable and mobile. They're on clearance at most places so you should be able to get them for a good price. I picked up a third pair last night when Hockeytron had their 50% off Warrior deal so I should be set for elbow pads for quite some time.

+1 on the Warrior Projekt Elbows. Best combo of protection & mobility I've come across.

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For roller I wear Bauer vapor bottom of the line ones. As long as they have the plastic cap, that's all you really need to protect during the inevitable falls.

Yup, I wear bottom of the line Eastons. They are hard plastic and I haven't had a problem with them yet.

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When I started playing again in 2009 (took 9 years off), I went with no elbows. Never wore them in the past.

A few falls, slashes and runs into the boards taught me to get some.

First went with Easton ST16's I found on clearence. I liked them, but they were the wrong size.

Then I got CCM V10's. I loved them. Went through two pairs before I could not find them anymore.

Then bought the top-range of every Bauer pad. Supreme One95's, Vapor X60's and Pro Series. I went with the Pro Series and have had them since. Very simple pad with good protection and movement. I have 2 pairs I rotate, but they are both starting to stink bad (even when I wash them). Thankfully the Nexus 1000 is nearly the same thing as the Pro Series.

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